Monday, September 24, 2018

New Idea: Serious Trait

I know traits are not possible in TS2 as they are in TS4, but with some workarounds, mods and some effort and imaginatioin everything is possible in these games.

The original idea for this thread (for Ts4) can be found here: by Zerbu

In The Sims 4
The Serious trait has the following effects…

  1. Sims will not suffer from low Fun until they drop into the extreme levels, and even then, they only get a +2 Bored moodlet.
  2. Sims will gain all mental skills slightly faster.
  3. Sims will gain most social skills (as most related to jokes and pranks) slower, with the exception of Charisma, which they will gain slightly faster.
  4. Sims will get an Energized moodlet from a day at work that would be boring to other Sims.
  5. Playful emotional auras will emit a Bored moodlet instead.

In The Sims 2
You need insiminator (or a similar mod) for this

  1. With insiminator it's possible to make needs static and change them as you like. So you can make sure Fun is always above 50%
  2. You can change skills like you want with insiminator so the sim with this trait can get a head start.
  3. I don't know if there really are social skills in TS2, but the reputation meter can be changed with the insiminator so that's a good alternative.
  4. Also here the need energy and I think also work performance can be changed with insiminator
  5. For this one I have no idea how to do this in TS2, but you can always add things to this list as this is not a mod, but a workaround. You can alter it as you want. It's just an idea to give your sims the trait Serious

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