Saturday, July 20, 2019

Theme - Belgium: Martino Speciale Sub Sandwich (Past Blogpost)

For Theme Belgium I have taken an old creation from under the dust:
This is a delicious sub sandwich based on Prepare, onion, pickle, martino sauce, anchovies and cress.
It's inspired by the same named sub sandwich from the sub sandwich store in my hometown.

It's cloned from lunch meat sandwich and I used the mesh provided by TNW and I also recolored the original textures.
There's a whole list of Sub Sandwiches I want to create (The Sub Sandwiches from the Sub store in my hometown
So keep looking for more to come soon.
Here you can find an overview of the subs I already made (press the tab Food):
There you can download them all at once too. Including the ones not uploaded anywhere yet.

This Martino Speciale sub sandwich is based on Prepare, onion, pickle, martino sauce, anchovies and cress.
Download @ SFS

Basic information

It's for lunch and dinner only.
It's found in the fridge under have Menssana Sub.../Martino Speciale or serve Menssana Sub.../Martino Speciale
All my sandwiches will be created this way. So you can find them all in the fridge under have Menssana Sub.../"Name of the sandwich" or serve Menssana Sub.../"Name of the sandwich".
It requires no cooking skill.
The sims eat this with their hands (it's all exactly the same as the meat lunch sandwich).

Poly counts

Really high, but reduced (by TNW) where possible.

Ingredients Tray is 816
Prep State is 1,698.
Single Serving is 2,386.
Serving Size is 7,158.
Single Serve and Plate is 2,586

Some extra's

I already made some sub sandwiches and there are many more to come. It might be a nice idea to open a Sub Store in your game, but there are a few things you need to know then:
- The name of the sub store in my hometown is Menssana
- The poly counts are quite high: be careful with putting a lot of sandwiches in your sub store especially when you have an older computer.
As this is cloned from lunch meat sandwiches there is a chance that your sims role a new want: "eating/preparing ... sub sandwich" like they role a want for the lunch meat sandwich.
There is a chance that when your fridge is full with fresh ingredients the sub sandwiches sparkle (as they are also made with vegetables and fresh ingredients).
I hope you like these extra's

Some issues

When preparing a group meal the plate won't be empty when all the subs from the plate have been served. This is an error I can't help because I cloned this from lunch meat sandwich and the mesh TNW made. It also happens with the original sub sandwiches TNW made so I can't do nothing about it.


Can you make more food items?
Yes, I can do recolors of existing food (Maxis or my custom food)
These cakes are quite simple to make if you follow my tutorial:
I suggest you try it yourself first before asking.
How is the food of S2I Organized?:

More questions

Let me know in the comment section. I'll be glad to help.
Please, provide as much information as you can (maybe with a screenshot).
The more information you give me about a question/problem the better I can help.


Meshes and original textures made by uncle808us at
TheNinthWave for converting the meshes to use in Sims 2: (Found here:
Wooden UI by Calidan (MTS)
Numenor's Anygamestarter

Please, don't upload these creations anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
Or share this link anywhere:

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