Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Theme - Belgium: New Food: Chicory Ham Cheese Casserole (Past Blogpost)

Chicory is actually something I really hate, but it's a famous Belgian dish so I serve you today Chicory with Ham & Cheese Casserole. Luckily my self-sim is not as picky on food as me.
For the Theme - Belgium this week I republish this famous Belgian dish. I hope your sims like it!
This is a clone of the Mexican Casserole made by TNW. So it acts as such. Meaning it's cloned from Cheese Cake and OFB is required.
Also the serving dish made by TNW is required. It's included in the zipfile.
Download @ SFS

Basic information

It's cloned from the Cheese Cake in game so it acts as such except for a few things I changed by request.
(I recommend Variable Meal Servings by Neder)
Available for Lunch and Dinner
This information (and more) is also included in the download.


All my food will be created the same way, but I'm updating my other food uploads so the menu has the same structure for every food I make.
FAQ: How is the food menu organised: http://bit.ly/FAQS2IFoodMenu

Can you make more food items?
Yes, I can, but I won't create them all as I'm not confident enough in the matter. The chance is very huge that you ask something I can't create. But if it's a clone from something I already made, I might be able to create your request, so just ask and we'll see.
This food is quite simple to make if you follow my tutorial. I suggest you try it yourself.
You can also do a suggestion and it might give me some ideas.

More questions

Let me know in the comment section. I'll be glad to help.
Please, provide as much information as you can (maybe with a screenshot).
The more information you give me about a question/problem the better I can help.


Wooden UI by Calidan (MTS) http://bit.ly/1aKIKpW
Numenor's Anygamestarter
The dress was made by LientebollemeiS2I (only found on this blog)

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