Wednesday, October 23, 2019

New Idea: TOC - Oscar's Overture - S2E05

This idea is based on my idea to analyse every Friends episode.
In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the main characters of The Odd Couple in that certain episode. SPOILER
You can then play this in the game as you wish.
I don't know The Odd Couple as much by heart as Friends so I haven't written a main blogpost about it (yet).

Oscar's Overture - S2E05
Oscar tries to impress Charlotte (Teri Hatcher) by purchasing a table at The New York Philharmonic fundraiser and asks Felix for his help. Meanwhile, Dani meets Teddy's wife, Diane (Sheryl Underwood), and celebrates her third anniversary working with Oscar.

He and Dani have been working together for 3 years and he wanted to thank her with a lunch for always being there for him.
Oscar wants to ask out Charlotte, but she keeps saying no. So he has to try to reserve a whole table (cost 2000 dollars) at the fundraising for New York Philharmonic. He tries to impress Charlotte telling her he loves classical music. He asks Felix for help as he doesn't know anything about it. Felix doesn't want to help so Oscar watches Beethoven and gets hooked for all the movies.
Felix convinces him to be honest to Charlotte and tell her he loed. He does that and Charlotte appreciates his honesty. He was just afraid she wouldn't like the real Oscar.
She wants to be honest too and tells him she likes him.

He doesn't want to teach Oscar about classical music because lying is no good base to start a relationship.
He does get excited about being at the fundraising when he hears that his idol Nigel Hadyn-Plout is there too.
After he told Oscar to be honest he lies to Nigel about being a footballfan just to be a part of his Fantasy League.
Oscar agrees to help him.
Nigel's assistent can't come. Felix convinces him that he can assist him. Nigel agrees and invites him to be a part of his Fantasy League.
But Felix feels guilty and tells the truth.

She is not really happy with Felix obsessing about an unknown man.
Then Dani tells her there's an auction for two tickets for the concert of Beyoncé, but Teddy's wife wants to go too. And she's already not happy with Teddy not telling her Dani is a woman (and a colleague for 3 years). Emily loves Beyoncé. Her gay ex-husband dressed like Beyoncé at Halloween. And after that every Wednesday too.
In the end Emily feels the tickets are too expensive. Dani goes with Diane to the concert while Teddy pays for the tickets and watches the kids.


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