Sunday, March 29, 2020

New Idea: TOC - A Diner Engagement - S2E08

This idea is based on my idea to analyse every Friends episode.
In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the main characters of The Odd Couple in that certain episode. SPOILER
You can then play this in the game as you wish.
I don't know The Odd Couple as much by heart as Friends so I haven't written a main blogpost about it (yet).

A Diner Engagement - S2E08
It is Emily's birthday, but she does not want to celebrate it because she claims that her birthday has been cursed. Much to her dismay, Felix throws a party for her anyway. Felix later sends out signals that he might propose. Meanwhile, Oscar meets Charlotte's son. Later, Oscar and Charlotte agree to "press pause" on their relationship for the sake of the child.

He and Charlotte are going out to diner (she might order the lobster), but they have to wait until the new babysitter arrives (as Oscar dated and dumped the last one). Charlotte's son doesn't feel well, but actually he's pretending because he doesn't want his mother and Oscar to go out.
Oscar tries to win the kid over by buying some stuff (a dragon). But Evan still doesn't want to be friends. He does friendly to Oscar when his mother is around. At the dinerparty Evan walks by. He slipped away from Olga (his nanny) claiming he couldn't sleep because Oscar's dragon gives him nightmares. He stays at the party.
Felix had asked Charlotte to change because she was wearing the same color of dress as Emily. Then she wanted to give Emily a birthdaypresent but Felix stops her. She talks to Oscar about it because she feels "that little guy" is trying to ruin their evening together. Oscar thinks she is talking about her son. Then Oscar tells Charlotte what Evan did, but she doesn't believe it. She talks to her son and realises Oscar was right. But apparantly her son is not ready for his mother to move on with her life so soon after her divorce. So Oscar and Charlotte decide to take a break from their relationship.

Emily doesn't want a birthday party because it's cursed. She agrees with just a dinerparty. Felix tells about a big surprise to close the diner and with his hints Dani mistakely thinks that he wants to propose. Emily thinks it's way too soon as they've only been dating for 4 months. When Felix wants to tell Emily about the big surprise she interupts him and says she doesn't want to marry him. Felix (not even proposing) took it rather badly and was really sad. Then Emily tastes the cake and she realises what Felix wanted to do for her. They say "I love you" to eachother for the very first time.

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