Monday, December 30, 2024

New Idea: W817 - S5E14

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the main characters of W817 ((W"eight" = Wait) Dutch: Wait A Second) in that certain episode.
It's a Flemish show that can be best compared with Friends. I call it "The Flemish Friends".

I do this because it's mainly about a group of students in college and so with these episode ideas we have something new to play for our sims in college.
Or you can play this in the game as you wish.
I know W817 maybe even better by heart than Friends (that's saying something).

Also like Friends this series was made at the end of the ninties, begin nillies so this is actually very suitable for The Sims 2 as there were no smartphones or internet like we know now.

There are no seperate seasons and episodes don't have a title. There are 131 episodes and I will number them accordingly.
Meet the characters
Here you can find an overview of all the characters and their personality:
He convinces Bridget to come live with the gang again. She is there more often than at her apartment.
She invites over Norbert (her landlord) to let him rip the contract with a trick.
It was his idea to trick Norbert.
She helps Jasmin to arrange her first time with Oswald.
He goes to Gella's place. She rejects him, because  she thinks it is too early to live together. They decide to have a LAT relationship (Living apart together).
She and Oswald are a couple. They want to do it (for both the first time) and Jasmin goes to Zoe for a condom. But then her father walks in all the time. So she asks Bridget if they can use her apartment. Norbert walks in when the couple starts, Oswald runs away. It will be a while before she tries again...
Nothing much happens to him.
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