Friday, January 31, 2025

New Idea: W817 - S5E18

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the main characters of W817 ((W"eight" = Wait) Dutch: Wait A Second) in that certain episode.
It's a Flemish show that can be best compared with Friends. I call it "The Flemish Friends".

I do this because it's mainly about a group of students in college and so with these episode ideas we have something new to play for our sims in college.
Or you can play this in the game as you wish.
I know W817 maybe even better by heart than Friends (that's saying something).

Also like Friends this series was made at the end of the ninties, begin nillies so this is actually very suitable for The Sims 2 as there were no smartphones or internet like we know now.

There are no seperate seasons and episodes don't have a title. There are 131 episodes and I will number them accordingly.
Meet the characters
Here you can find an overview of all the characters and their personality:
Carlo and Akke really annoy him. They want to ask Bridget to play in the video "Zoe eats pitta".
She is in the videoclip.
He tries to undo what Zoe did for Johan in one day. He doesn't succeed until Johan finds out Zoe helped him because of a bet.
She successfully heals Johan of his oversensitivity.
He is Carlo's possy.
He acts like a real worldstar. He has a hit "Zoe eats Pitta".
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Monday, January 27, 2025

New 10lvl Career: Washer

Download @ SFS

If you have University

You will notice this career might be linked to some majors and that your sim might need a degree or not (not necessarly a degree in a major that the career is linked to. Any major would do).
If you don't have University, this career works as a normal career.
Also if you look with the Job Board or with another object mod for this career, the degree does not matter. You will always find the career for your sim.
If you have any questions, you can always ask!

If you like this creation, please, press the thanks button and/or leave a comment. Feedback always keeps a creator going for making more new stuff.


- Every level has now "lvl #" in the title. # standing for the number of the level.
- There is now a link with a University major, though, you don't need the EP to use this career

Additional Credits:
Wooden UI by Calidan (MTS)
Job Seeking Board by Moghughson (MTS)

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Copyright © 2024 Sims2Idea, All rights reserved.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

New Idea: W817 - S5E17

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the main characters of W817 ((W"eight" = Wait) Dutch: Wait A Second) in that certain episode.
It's a Flemish show that can be best compared with Friends. I call it "The Flemish Friends".

I do this because it's mainly about a group of students in college and so with these episode ideas we have something new to play for our sims in college.
Or you can play this in the game as you wish.
I know W817 maybe even better by heart than Friends (that's saying something).

Also like Friends this series was made at the end of the ninties, begin nillies so this is actually very suitable for The Sims 2 as there were no smartphones or internet like we know now.

There are no seperate seasons and episodes don't have a title. There are 131 episodes and I will number them accordingly.
Meet the characters
Here you can find an overview of all the characters and their personality:
Steve's manager doesn't like his song. He needs to find a worldact or he will lose his job. He doesn't think Carlo can help, but his manager really likes Carlo.
She gets the phone number of Steve's manager.
He looks for a patient for Zoe. She needs to prove she can really heal someone with severe emotional issues.
She is proud being a psychologist and proves to Tom that she can really heal someone. She doesn't want to help Bert (he smells) or Vampirella, but she can help Johan who is completeley oversensitive.
He has built a love tester. Kim is the first one to test and she is a match with Akke for 99%. He starts giving her gifts etc. They test the love tester again. Tom is 100% a match.
She tries to prove she and Akke are not a match.
He tells Steve he can be the worldact he is looking for. Steve doesn't like the idea, but he has no choice.
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