All creations can be found here:
in the same structure as the labels on the right.
Even when the downloadlink in the blogpost doesn't work.

When SimFileShare is not available, please, let me know which creation(s) you wish to download!
Any questions, don't hesitate to ask. (Facebook Messenger on my Facebookpage)
Happy simming!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

New Conversion: Photography (requested)

Before you download this career, you need to download the Careers mod from Twallan here: 
Patch 1.31~1.36: The Careers - Phase Ten 
Patch 1.38: The Careers - Phase Eleven for this career to show up in-game! 
Lientebollemeis asked me to convert some of her Sims 2 careers and I was very happy to do that! So this is one of her careers, Photographer!
It was requested for Sims 2 by Maxine190899.
You find here a conversion for the Sims 3. So any additional texts, info etc are by me, but the original idea is from Lientebollemeis and Maxine190899.

Here is the full information for the career for Sims 3. The career has 10 levels and is located at the Business and Journalism Offices. It has one custom tone, Take Photos of Coworkers, which builds the Photography skill. 


Career Levels
Photography Career ~ Love taking photos of anything and everything, from that vase of flowers in the hallway, to your best friend dancing drunkenly at the pub last night? Maybe you’ve even had aspirations to become a wedding photographer, or even simply to be paid for the time and effort involved in each photo. This is the career path for you!

Technical Stuff:
This career was made with patch 1.38 and should work with all lower patches. It requires the Base Game and World Adventures to work (since that was the expansion the Photography skill came with) and should work with any other combination of expansion and stuff packs. It works in my game but if you have problems, let me know :)

Since I'm not fluent in any language other than English, the career is only written in the one language. So if you're interested in translating, download the Language Strings file and open it in Notepad.


<STR>Translate This Text</STR>

Do that for the entire file :)


Credit to:
Lientebollemeis, Maxine190899 and the creators of s3pe

Friday, September 28, 2012

New insiminator option explained: Aspiration adjustor

Where do I download the insiminator?
- You can download it here: Downloads
- The Insiminator is compatible with ALL expansions.
Where do I find it in game?
Elektronics ---> All

Aspiration adjustor

For this adjustor there are following options:

  • My Aspiration Score
    • Change the aspiration score.
  • Group Aspiration Score
    • Change the aspiration score of all sims.
  • Set Aspiration Score
    • Decide which level your aspiration should be.
  • Add Aspiration Points
    • Add aspiration points to buy aspiration awards.
  • Change Aspiration
    • Change the aspiration, turn ons and turn offs of your sim.
  • Randomize
    • The game chooses the aspiration for you.
  • Aspiration Score Decay
    • I don't know what this does.
  • Aspiration Score Lock
    • The aspiration score of your sim doesn't change anymore.
  • Lifetime Platinum
    • Have lifetime Platinum like forfilling the lifetime wish.
  • Lifetime Wants
    • Lifetime wish/want is changed randomly.
  • Wants Panel
    • Add a lock or slot to the wants and fear panel

Monday, September 24, 2012

New FAQ: More help for doing a career request

Update: 2015-07-25

The way of requesting has changed a lot in the past 5 years.
From a simple form to fill out, which people can reach all the time, it's developed to an excelfile on Google Docs (not everyone has MS Office), which I provide from the moment the requester contacts me.
This way I have personal contact with the requester which makes it easier to help with the request. The requester needs to want the career enough to put some effort in it.
The way the file is build gives the requester the chance to see if the career is accepted or not. The file tells you that the request is accepted or not while you're filling it out.
The only reason why a request can be rejected (if the file says the request is accepted): is spelling and grammar.
The file can't check that by itself.

So I still check following things: 
  • Spelling and grammar:
    • I read the descriptions very quickly. If I see just the one mistake, I stop looking further.
      • Punctuation (at the end of a sentence)
      • Do the sentences make any sense?
      • Apostrophe's (you are = you're; your = your)
      • No abbreviations (kinda, gonna,...)
      • Capital letter (Begin of sentence, countries,...)
      • Form of the sentence
  • Descriptions:
    • This is mostly based on MTS's rules. They reject careers for this:
      • Growth in the career
      • Creativity
      • No repetition (like the word now or you)
      • Length of description (at least 4 sentences, (long enough))

This is all found very clearly in the instructions on the file too. A Lot of requests have been accepted so there are people who do follow the instructions correctly.

The form is made in such a way it's nearly impossible to have a reason for rejection.
You need to check two main things. If these are good, the request is accepted and uploaded asap:

  • Spelling and grammar
  • Creativity (length + growth)

Sunday, September 02, 2012

New Challenge: Skills quest

This is a simple, quite short challenge.
In this challenge your sim must do the following:

  1. Only work on skills when the sim is a Toddler, Child and Teen.
  2. The sim must reach the top of a career when it's an adult.

Older creations