All creations can be found here:
in the same structure as the labels on the right.
Even when the downloadlink in the blogpost doesn't work.

When SimFileShare is not available, please, let me know which creation(s) you wish to download!
Any questions, don't hesitate to ask. (Facebook Messenger on my Facebookpage)
Happy simming!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

New announcement: When new blogposts

This is the last day of the summer holidays. For the last two months I did extremly my best to offer you a blogpost and preferably a download per day. It was much harder, more time consuming and asked a much bigger effort than I thought. Also because I had it much bussier in real life over the summer as I thought I would have.
I wanted to do this permanently, but I don't think I can if I still want to have a real life too.
So from now on I will upload a blogpost on Wednesdays and Saturdays and if I have the time, more often than that. There's a huge chance I can upload something everyday in January, but I can't promise anything.
I hope you don't mind me doing this and respect the fact that I have a busy real life too.
Please, stay tuned in though. you never no I have some spare time (I'd really hope so).

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

New Application: Correct French translations

When uploading a career,  I always provide the translationfile so people can translate the career. 
For professional reasons, I really want to improve my French.
So this is an application for French speaking people. I'll translate the careers from English to French but I need to be sure the translation is correct. So now I hope I can find some people who want to correct my French translation of different careers.
Please, contact me (on Facebook) if you feel up to it and I'll send you a translation asap.

Thanks a lot in advance!

Monday, August 29, 2016

New idea: Friends - The One Where Rachel Finds Out - S1E24

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the six main characters of Friends in that certain episode. SPOILER
You can then play this in the game as you wish.
The blogpost about the personality, family tree,... of the six main characters in general is found here:

General happenings season 1:
The first season introduces the six main characters: Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler, and Ross. Rachel arrives at Central Perk after running away from her wedding to her fiancé Barry and moves into her friend from high school's (Monica’s) apartment with her. Ross, who has had a crush on Rachel since the two of them were in high school, constantly attempts to tell her how he feels about her. However, many obstacles stand in his way, such as the fact that he is expecting a baby with his lesbian ex-wife, Carol. Joey is shown to be a bachelor and struggling actor, while Phoebe works as a masseuse and portrays a sort of "crazy" attribute to her personality based on her troubles as a child after her mother committed suicide. However the rest of the group loves her regardless. Chandler breaks up with girlfriend Janice, who frequently returns in later seasons. At the end of the season, Chandler accidentally reveals that Ross loves Rachel, who realizes that she feels the same way. The season ends with Rachel waiting at the airport for Ross’ arrival from a trip.

The One Where Rachel Finds out - S1E24
Joey participates in a fertility study, but things get hard when he has to avoid intimacy with Melanie, his new fruit-basket-making girlfriend. The gang has a barbecue, but Ross only shows up long enough to drop off Rachel's birthday present and announce he's going to China to get a bone for the museum. Later, while Rachel opens her presents, Chandler lets slip that Ross is in love with her; she goes to the airport to catch him before he leaves, but just misses him. While he's gone, she debates what to do do. Finally, she decides to go for it and goes to the airport for his return. Unknown to her, however, Ross has become involved with another woman during his week in China.

Joey: He participates in a fertility study. He dates Melanie, but e can't go to bed with her during the two weeks expirement so he finds out he can still please her. She gives him fruit baskets.

Chandler: tells Rachel and the rest (by accident) that Ross is in love with her.

Ross: He goes to China for a bone. There he meets Julie.

Rachel: She's having a date with Karl who she met at the coffee house. She finds out Ross is in love with her, but she's in doubt. She's going to the airport (Ross goes to China), but she's too late. When Karl and she are having a date in her apartment, she decides to go see Ross at the gate.

Monica: Monica is having a barbeque for Rachel's birthday. But Phoebe is vegie. She's really excited because Rachel and Ross might get together.

Phoebe: Nothing special happens.


Sunday, August 28, 2016

New idea: Friends - The One with the Birth - S1E23

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the six main characters of Friends in that certain episode. SPOILER
You can then play this in the game as you wish.
The blogpost about the personality, family tree,... of the six main characters in general is found here:

General happenings season 1:
The first season introduces the six main characters: Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler, and Ross. Rachel arrives at Central Perk after running away from her wedding to her fiancé Barry and moves into her friend from high school's (Monica’s) apartment with her. Ross, who has had a crush on Rachel since the two of them were in high school, constantly attempts to tell her how he feels about her. However, many obstacles stand in his way, such as the fact that he is expecting a baby with his lesbian ex-wife, Carol. Joey is shown to be a bachelor and struggling actor, while Phoebe works as a masseuse and portrays a sort of "crazy" attribute to her personality based on her troubles as a child after her mother committed suicide. However the rest of the group loves her regardless. Chandler breaks up with girlfriend Janice, who frequently returns in later seasons. At the end of the season, Chandler accidentally reveals that Ross loves Rachel, who realizes that she feels the same way. The season ends with Rachel waiting at the airport for Ross’ arrival from a trip.

The One With The Birth - S1E23
Everyone arrives at the hospital for Carol's delivery. Ross and Susan fight; Rachel flirts with the doctor... for a while; Phoebe sings and makes a lot of sense; Joey helps a single mother (Lydia) give birth; Monica yearns for a baby of her own; Chandler tries to comfort her, but isn't totally successful. The baby is named Ben, after Phoebe.

Joey: He meets a pregnant girl Lydia who like the Celtics while Joey likes the Knicks. He really takes care of her, but then the father shows up. So Joey leaves them.

Chandler: Nothing special happens.

Ross: Ross gets a son. He and Susan fight over who get to take care of Carol and who can love the little boy the most. Carol throws them out and they fight more. Phoebe pushes them in the janitor locker and they are stuck, but are freed just in time for the birth. Together Susan and Ross want to call the baby Ben (the janitor). Ben looks like uncle Ed covered in jello.

Rachel: Rachel meets Carol's docter, doctor Flanzblau, but he says it's hard for him to get a date. Rachel's a waitress so he gives the example: "If I just see one more cup of coffee..." Rachel knows what he means and gives up the flirting.

Monica: She wants a baby.

Phoebe: She sings songs while waiting for the birth.


Saturday, August 27, 2016

New idea: Friends - The One with the Ick Factor - S1E22

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the six main characters of Friends in that certain episode. SPOILER
You can then play this in the game as you wish.
The blogpost about the personality, family tree,... of the six main characters in general is found here:

General happenings season 1:
The first season introduces the six main characters: Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler, and Ross. Rachel arrives at Central Perk after running away from her wedding to her fiancé Barry and moves into her friend from high school's (Monica’s) apartment with her. Ross, who has had a crush on Rachel since the two of them were in high school, constantly attempts to tell her how he feels about her. However, many obstacles stand in his way, such as the fact that he is expecting a baby with his lesbian ex-wife, Carol. Joey is shown to be a bachelor and struggling actor, while Phoebe works as a masseuse and portrays a sort of "crazy" attribute to her personality based on her troubles as a child after her mother committed suicide. However the rest of the group loves her regardless. Chandler breaks up with girlfriend Janice, who frequently returns in later seasons. At the end of the season, Chandler accidentally reveals that Ross loves Rachel, who realizes that she feels the same way. The season ends with Rachel waiting at the airport for Ross’ arrival from a trip.

The One With The Ick Factor - S1E22
Rachel has sex dreams--first about Chandler, then Chandler and Joey, and finally about Ross. Phoebe looks for supplemental income, and works part time as Chandler's secretary. This leads to Chandler's discover that the people at the office don't like him anymore... and they even mimic his unique way of talking. Monica dates Ethan, a younger man who turns out to be even younger than she thought; she breaks up with him because it's just too icky. Ross gets a beeper so Carol can page him when she goes into labor; after several false alarms, he gets beeped for the real thing, and everyone heads to the hospital.

Joey: Nothings special happens.

Chandler: He goes nuts because of Phoebe at work and when he finds out his collegues don't like him anymore now he's the boss. They make fun of him. Phoebe invites him to a birthdayparty of some work people. It was fun, but they are still not his friends anymore. He's boss man Bing who wants to be their buddy.

Ross: He got a beeper: 55-jimbo, but people (mostly Andre) call him with the mistake with 55-jumbo. He thinks Andre called for his cousin Nathan. Carol and he agreed she will beep him with 911 when the baby is actually coming.

Rachel: She dreamt about her and Chandler and Ross is a bit jealous. Then she tells about a dream of her Chandler and Joey, but still not Ross. When she's napping on the couch, she's dreaming about Ross while only he is in the room. But when sh wapkes and they have THE moment of eyecontact, Carol beeps Ross she's in labour.

Monica: She's dating Ethan, a senior college, but actually he's a senior in high school. She said she was 22, but she's 26. She's breaking up with him after finding out his real age because it's icky.

Phoebe: She needs a tempt job until her massageclients come back. So she starts working for Chandler as long as his secretary is recovering. The collegues are Lowell, Shelley. She takes Chander to a birthdayparty he wasn't invited to. There was karoke with Chandler and Tracey. She tells Chandler they still think he's a great boss, but he's now the boss who want to be their buddy boss man Bing.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

New idea: Friends - The One With Fake Monica - S1E21

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the six main characters of Friends in that certain episode. SPOILER
You can then play this in the game as you wish.
The blogpost about the personality, family tree,... of the six main characters in general is found here:

General happenings season 1:
The first season introduces the six main characters: Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler, and Ross. Rachel arrives at Central Perk after running away from her wedding to her fiancé Barry and moves into her friend from high school's (Monica’s) apartment with her. Ross, who has had a crush on Rachel since the two of them were in high school, constantly attempts to tell her how he feels about her. However, many obstacles stand in his way, such as the fact that he is expecting a baby with his lesbian ex-wife, Carol. Joey is shown to be a bachelor and struggling actor, while Phoebe works as a masseuse and portrays a sort of "crazy" attribute to her personality based on her troubles as a child after her mother committed suicide. However the rest of the group loves her regardless. Chandler breaks up with girlfriend Janice, who frequently returns in later seasons. At the end of the season, Chandler accidentally reveals that Ross loves Rachel, who realizes that she feels the same way. The season ends with Rachel waiting at the airport for Ross’ arrival from a trip.

The One With Fake Monica - S1E21
Monica's credit card is stolen; after seeing the credit card statement, Monica decides the thief lives her life better than she does. She meets 'Fake Monica' at a dance class which was charged to her card, and suprisingly they become friends. As Mononna, she and Fake Monica have a great time... until Fake Monica is arrested. Ross' monkey, Marcel, reaches sexual maturing and starts humping everything in site; Ross has to find a zoo in which to put his pet. Joey tries to choose a stage name.

Joey: He looks for a new name. Joe Stalin.

Chandler: Nothing special happens.

Ross: Marcel humps everything so he has to give him up. They get him into the Zoo of San Diego.

Rachel: Nothing special happens.

Monica: She has lunch with her mother, but doesn't want to talk about clothing, hair, career, dating, money,.. But then her card was declined.
Someone stole her creditcard. The thief live her life and she meets the woman. Monica then calls herself Monana. The thief pays for: plays, courses in new school, art supplies, clothing, horse driving, tapclass where she meets Monana.
Together they go to tapclass, audition for broadway cats, Monana gets drunk.
After Monica gets arrested, the real Monica becomes herself again.

Phoebe: Nothing special happens.


Monday, August 22, 2016

New idea: Friends - The One With The Evil Orthodontist - S1E20

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the six main characters of Friends in that certain episode. SPOILER
You can then play this in the game as you wish.
The blogpost about the personality, family tree,... of the six main characters in general is found here:

General happenings season 1:
The first season introduces the six main characters: Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler, and Ross. Rachel arrives at Central Perk after running away from her wedding to her fiancé Barry and moves into her friend from high school's (Monica’s) apartment with her. Ross, who has had a crush on Rachel since the two of them were in high school, constantly attempts to tell her how he feels about her. However, many obstacles stand in his way, such as the fact that he is expecting a baby with his lesbian ex-wife, Carol. Joey is shown to be a bachelor and struggling actor, while Phoebe works as a masseuse and portrays a sort of "crazy" attribute to her personality based on her troubles as a child after her mother committed suicide. However the rest of the group loves her regardless. Chandler breaks up with girlfriend Janice, who frequently returns in later seasons. At the end of the season, Chandler accidentally reveals that Ross loves Rachel, who realizes that she feels the same way. The season ends with Rachel waiting at the airport for Ross’ arrival from a trip.

The One With The Evil Orthodontist - S1E20
The gang argues the virtues of Mr. Peanut and Mr. Salty. Someone is peeping into the apartment building with a telescope; Joey discovers it's a woman, and that she's very complimentary. Ugly Naked Guy gets gravity boots. Chandler has a good first date with Daniel and then obsesses about trying to call her again without seeming too needy. Rachel ends up sleeping with Barry instead of telling him to get lost; but after she and Mindy (Barry's fiance') get together and talk, Rachel decides Barry is evil. Joey has a one-track mind after Rachel mentions that her best friend, Mindy, taught her to kiss. Ross does a crossword puzzle.

Joey: Finds out that the peeper looking at their appartment is a woman, Sidney Marks. They flirt (of course).

Chandler: He had his greatest first date ever. But he doesn't call her the next day until Phoebe makes him. It's her answering machine and he doesn't want to leave a message. Later he does, but she doesn't call back and he's freaking out.
At the end it turned out that Danielle (his date) had his number wrong. She comes over in the coffee house but now she looked desperate and needy to him.

Ross: Nothing special happens.

Rachel: Rachel and Barry are talking. They had a great time together and in the afternoon they have sex. She feels guilty so she tells Mindy. Apparantly he did the same to Rachel (with Mindy) when they were engaged and both Rachel and Mindy are going to break up with him. But in the end Mindy still wants to marry him and asks Rachel if she still wants to be her maid of honour.

Monica: Nothing special happens.

Phoebe: She sees the peeper first and thinks it's a guy with a telescope.


Sunday, August 21, 2016

New idea: Friends - The One With the Monkey Gets Away - S1E19

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the six main characters of Friends in that certain episode. SPOILER
You can then play this in the game as you wish.
The blogpost about the personality, family tree,... of the six main characters in general is found here:

General happenings season 1:
The first season introduces the six main characters: Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler, and Ross. Rachel arrives at Central Perk after running away from her wedding to her fiancé Barry and moves into her friend from high school's (Monica’s) apartment with her. Ross, who has had a crush on Rachel since the two of them were in high school, constantly attempts to tell her how he feels about her. However, many obstacles stand in his way, such as the fact that he is expecting a baby with his lesbian ex-wife, Carol. Joey is shown to be a bachelor and struggling actor, while Phoebe works as a masseuse and portrays a sort of "crazy" attribute to her personality based on her troubles as a child after her mother committed suicide. However the rest of the group loves her regardless. Chandler breaks up with girlfriend Janice, who frequently returns in later seasons. At the end of the season, Chandler accidentally reveals that Ross loves Rachel, who realizes that she feels the same way. The season ends with Rachel waiting at the airport for Ross’ arrival from a trip.

The One With the Monkey Gets Away - S1E19
Rachel finds out Barry is engaged to Mindy, her former bridesmaid; she begins to show interest in dating again, so Ross decides to ask her out. However, before he gets the chance, she loses Marcel while monkey-sitting, which temporarily drives a wedge between them. Mr. Heckles is missing a waffle and saw Regis Philbin once. Rachel, not knowing Marcel is a illegal exotic animal, calls Animal Control; the animal-catcher turns out to be Luisa, who went to high-school with Monica and Rachel. Luisa's memories of high school aren't favorable toward Rachel, so she decides not to cut them any breaks. While looking for Marcel, Joey and Chandler meet some hot girls (Samantha and Tia) with a broken radiator. Luisa tries to shoot Marcel with a tranquilizer but hits Phoebe instead. A delivery of bananas leads everyone to Mr. Heckles apartment; he claims the monkey as his own until Luisa shows up. Rachel pleads with Luisa to let Ross keep Marcel, but it's only the threat of reporting her for shooting Phoebe that convinces her. Ross and Rachel finally sit down for some wine, but before Ross can ask Rachel out, Barry barges in, saying he's still in love with her.

Joey: He helps searching Marcel. For him high school was 4 years of partying, dating and sex.

Chandler: He just helps searching Marcel too. He went to an all boys boarding school.

Ross: He wants a relationship with Rachel. He tries to woo Rachel after she took care of Marcel, but the monkey got away and Ross is mad at her. When he's not mad anymore, he pours out wine, but then Barry comes in and says he's still in love with Rachel.

Rachel: Finds out that Barry and Mindy are getting married. She wants  combination of Paulo and Barry and talks about it to Ross. She takes care of Marcel, but loses him and everyone looks for him except Ross. She called animal control, which was a bit of a mistake as Marcel is illegal.
Rachel blackmails Luisa with telling her boss about it or giving the monkey back.

Monica: She went to a movie with Hugh Grant, with Phoebe, Joey and Chandler. The animal control women is Luisa Gunetti, but she didn't like the girls (Rachel and Monica) in high school and they don't remember her because they ignored her. Luisa really wants to catch the monkey first.

Phoebe: She got shot with a stunning liquid. The shot that was meant for Marcel.


Saturday, August 20, 2016

New idea: Friends - The One With All The Poker - S1E18

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the six main characters of Friends in that certain episode. SPOILER
You can then play this in the game as you wish.
The blogpost about the personality, family tree,... of the six main characters in general is found here:

General happenings season 1:
The first season introduces the six main characters: Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler, and Ross. Rachel arrives at Central Perk after running away from her wedding to her fiancé Barry and moves into her friend from high school's (Monica’s) apartment with her. Ross, who has had a crush on Rachel since the two of them were in high school, constantly attempts to tell her how he feels about her. However, many obstacles stand in his way, such as the fact that he is expecting a baby with his lesbian ex-wife, Carol. Joey is shown to be a bachelor and struggling actor, while Phoebe works as a masseuse and portrays a sort of "crazy" attribute to her personality based on her troubles as a child after her mother committed suicide. However the rest of the group loves her regardless. Chandler breaks up with girlfriend Janice, who frequently returns in later seasons. At the end of the season, Chandler accidentally reveals that Ross loves Rachel, who realizes that she feels the same way. The season ends with Rachel waiting at the airport for Ross’ arrival from a trip.

The One With All The Poker - S1E18
Rachel, tired of being a waitress, sends out resumes; she gets an interview with Saks Fifth Avenue. Ross pines for Rachel. The girls decide they want in on the guys' poker games; reluctantly, the guys accept. The girls don't do so well, but they want a rematch. Monica's competative side comes out... she may have thrown a plate once during a Pictionary game, but she insists it was an accident. Monica enlists the help of her Aunt Iris to give them some poker tips; the girls still don't do so well. Then at the third game, the girls are going down again. Rachel gets some bad news about the job for which she's been interviewing, and gets aggressive at cards; she taunts Ross into a high stakes hand... and he lets her win because he wants to see her happy.

Joey: Drinks grape fruit juice. He cried the night before while playing poker with the guys because he thought the 3 was an 8.

Chandler: Nothing special happens.

Ross: He went out with Linda, but it doesn't work out because of the "Flinstones could have really happened." But it's actually because he's still in love with Rachel.
They all play poker and when he plays poker, he's not a nice guy. (He's very competitive.)
The girls want a rematch and Rachel goes all in. Ross folds.

Rachel: She's tired of being a waitress and her friends help her with sending out resumes. She gets an interview with Saks Fifth Avenue as an assistant buyer. She loses money in the first poker game, but in the second Ross lets her win (but she doesn't know that). He does that to see her happy and because she didn't get the job with Saks Fifth Avenue (it was like the mothership was calling her home).

Monica: She invites her aunt Iris who played poker since she was five. Her cousin Nathan thinks he's a man trapped in a woman's body. Aunt Iris teaches the girls, but they lose. After the second lesson Rachel "wins".

Phoebe: She doesn't like the game, because bluffing is like lying.


Friday, August 19, 2016

New (sub)Tutorial: Creating Food Behaviour Constants

This is a follow up subtutorial on the tutorial to learn how to create food:

Some extra things to change and to find out on your own
  • As I'm not completly advanced in this matter, I'll just give you some hints to discover how to make some extra changes, like using a custom dish, changing the clutery,...
  • As a teacher I believe that you learn much more if you try to discover it yourself and if you're in doubt, ask the teacher (sometimes best before trying). That's another reason why this part is not (or not entirely) included in the videotutorial.
  • These things are to try at your own risk, 'cause I have no experience with testing these things.
  • A piece of advice: read the text below the operands carefully and look at what changes when you change an operand value.
  • It's much harder to explain where to find things than I thought so for all the things you need to find out for yourself, I made short videos to help you out further.
Behaviour Constant (BCON)
Video found here:
  • Go to Behaviours Constant (BCON) in the Resource Tree and find the file named Tuning in the Resource list.
    • To change the Group Meal Serving Count
      • Select the line named 0xB and change the number 6 in whatever count of servings you want for a group meal (don't exaggurate though).
    • To change the food points (how much hunger it will forfill)
      • Select the line named 0x0 and change the number (0-100)
    • To change the minimum skill needed to cook the meal:
      • Select the line named 0x4 and change the number into a multiple of 100.
        • E.g.: If you want to dish to need 5 skillpoints before it can be cooked you need to fill out 500.
        • Do the same for the line named 0x05
    • To change the maximum skill needed to cook the meal (which means from this amount of skillpoints the dish won't be burned anymore.)
      • Change the number of the lines named 0xE and 0xF
    • This info can also be found here:
  • The other files in the Resource List speak for themselves a bit, but it's up to you to find out what changes can do. I haven't even looked at it yet, let alone tested it.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

New (sub)Tutorial: Creating Food Changing Dish and Dish Serve

This is a follow up subtutorial on the tutorial to learn how to create food:

Some extra things to change and to find out on your own
  • As I'm not completly advanced in this matter, I'll just give you some hints to discover how to make some extra changes, like using a custom dish,...
  • As a teacher I believe that you learn much more if you try to discover it yourself and if you're in doubt, ask the teacher (sometimes best before trying). That's another reason why this part is not (or not entirely) included in the videotutorial.
  • These things are to try at your own risk, 'cause I have no experience with testing these things.
    • Because of the latest issues with changing a fork into a spoon, I won't explain that until the issue is completly solved. For the time being I'll also change the clutlery for the ice cream I made back to a fork.
  • A piece of advice: read the text below the operands carefully and look at what changes when you change an operand value.
  • It's much harder to explain where to find things than I thought so for all the things you need to find out for yourself, I made short videos to help you out further.
Video found here:
CT - Factory - Dish Serve
  • In this BHAV on the second line (0x1) you can change the dish in which the food is served.
    • You need to change the operands into the GUID of the serving dish the same way as you changed the menu and food GUID.
    • Which means you have to packagefiles to share. One for the serving dish and one for the food itself.
  • E.g.: I use this to attach the bucket of the ice-cream (which is the serving dish) I made to the ice-cream itself (I hope this sentence makes sense a bit).
    • As you might know, with an ice-cream upload I share two files: the bucket itself (which you only need to download once) and the food (the ice-cream)
CT - Factory - Dish
  • Same method as the CT - Factory - Dish Serve, but then use the GUID for the custom plate. Which means you have again two files to share/have in your downloadfolder.
    • I haven't made custom food with custom plates (yet). So I don't really have an example on how to do so.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

New Food: Olympics Cupcakes

These are five cupcakes with each a color of the Olympics.
All colors are chocolate cupcake except yellow and red.

To make these I used the mesh and textures made by Exnem. As far as I now the site is dead and the policy is nowhere to be found.
If anyone asks me to delete these, I will do so immediatly.

The cupcakes Exnem made are different from mine. Exnem's are available in the buy catalog and not made from scratch by the sim.
I cloned the layer cake in base game (6 cooking skill required) to make these. So a sim makes these from scratch.
It are exactly the same animations when baking a cake, only the result is different.


Miscellaneous > Foods > Cupcakes

Where and when to find it
It appears during lunch and dinner times.

Good to know
All my food will be created the same way. I want all the food I create to have a menu with the same structure. (Past created food will be updated.)
FAQ: How is the food menu organised:

As this is cloned from layer cake there is a chance that your sims role a new want: "eating/preparing ... “Name of cupcake" like they role a want for the layer cake.

One issue
The plate won't be empty when the cupcake has been eaten. This is an error I can't help because I cloned this from the mesh Exnem made and I don't know how to change it.

Poly counts
Ingredients Tray is 722.
Prep State is 1,334.
Serving Size is 2,338.
Single Serve and Plate is 543.

Can you create a food item for me?
Yes, I can. but just remember I don't create new meshes. So recoloring is possible.
It depends on which food it is (preferably Maxis’), but it's probably not a problem to clone and recolor it.
Just ask and I'll let you know if I can do it or not.

If you like this creation, please, press the thanks button and/or leave a comment.
Feedback always keeps a creator going for making more new stuff (in this case food).

Please give credit with a link when using my work.
Ask me first before modifying/using.
Let me know if you use my work.

Additional Credits:
Exnem for the original meshes and the textures (I edited)
Google Images (for the textures of cupcakes)
Numenor's Anygamestarter

Please, don't upload these creations anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
Or share this link anywhere:

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

New tutorial: How to create custom food

(Small aside comment: The video and sound had to be recorded seperatly because my laptop gave trouble otherwise. I did my very best to match them. It won't be an issue to follow the tutorial, though.)

There are already many different tutorials for creating different CC for The Sims series. But as I still sometimes need various tutorials to create one type of CC I decided to write my own tutorial and combine all the things I want to be able to do with that type of CC.
I also really want to share it so other people can create this type of CC too so maybe there might be a successor when I (maybe someday) retire of creating (and finally start playing with the CC I made myself).
I know there might be good tutorials to recolor food already like the one written by Ariesflare at MTS, but this is how I create custom food.

So in this tutorial I'll explain how to create (recolor) a new food.
This is not really a tutorial for complete beginners. There are a few things I won't explain and I suppose you already know these things like e.g. recoloring a texture and importing into SimPE, making a GUIDblock. But I will refer to some external tutorials on these matters so a beginner so a beginner can follow this tutorial too.
I hope you will enjoy this tutorial and I'm really looking forward to see your food uploaded (here on S2I or on MTS or somewhere else). Just give this tutorial the credit for teaching you howto so others can create food too.
Please, also let me know if you did create and/or upload food created with this tutorial. Otherwise it will be hard for me to find it.
I deliberately didn't add any screenshots to not overload the blogpost. If the tutorial like this is not clear to you, you can also go to my videotutorial of how to create a food item. It's actually me following the tutorial while I read it out loud. It's better to watch the video and use this text as an extra guide.

Things you need before you start this tutorial

Cloning a food item
Some explaining
You can clone a custom food item, but I won't do that here. I made a video of every food that can be cooked in The Sims 2 (except the instant meal and gelatin which has no preparing needed).
When cloning a food item, you also copy the way it behaves.
  • Same time showing up
  • Same cooking skills needed
  • Same chance for rolling a new want
  • Same way of preparing it (in the oven, microwave, grill,...)
  • Same cutlery used
  • Same...
In this tutorial I'll show you how to change some of these things, but not everything. You'll get the basics, though and you are free (at your own risk) to try to change other things too.
The easiest, just clone the food that is closest to your custom food you want to create.

Some important things before starting:
  • Always press the button Commit after you did some changes (in case I forget to mention it).
  • English is not my mothertongue so forgive me if there are grammar or spelling mistakes while writing this. I try to make it as simple as possible for every non-English speaker to understand.
  • Maybe you'll see something explained differently in another tutorial. This is just the way I create my custom food. Feel free to do it otherwise, if you know what you're doing and at your own risk.
  • If you have any questions, remarks, comments, ... regarding this tutorial, please, send an e-mail to and I'll reply asap.
  • I don't know everything about SimPE and this cloning part. This is just what I do when I create food.
    • So, please, be understanding if I can't answer your question or refer you to anothor tutorial or another creator for help.

How to clone a food item (I'll show you how I made the beef stew)
  • Have in mind what (Maxis) food you want to clone (I'll use chili con carne to create beef stew).
    • To decide this you want to see my video of all Maxis food in Base Game (see Things you need before you start) and pay attention to the following things you want your food to do:
      • The time the food appears
      • The category the food appears (breakfast, dessert,...)
      • The cutlery used
      • The preparationstyle (cutting, sandwich, oven, stove, grill,...) (not to be changed)
      • Ingredients to recolor on the preparationplate
      • The serving (in a bowl, plate, can,...)
    • It's easier to clone this behaviours than to change them afterwards. Also by changing them you have a risk for errors in game (the fork-spoon story for some ice-creams).
  • Open SimPE
  • Go to Object Workshop (at the bottom) and press "Start"
      • You can press "open" when you want to clone a custom food item like ice-cream.
    • It might take some time to load (you'll see the progress in the (green) bar)
  • You'll see a treestructure
    • You'll find the food Chili con carne (and others) under "Unknown"
    • Select the food you want to clone
      • If this is the first time you follow this or any food tutorial: I strongly recommend to clone the Chili Con Carne because in examples I'll mostly refer to that one.
  • Then press Next
  • You get the option clone or recolor
    • We will recolor the food, but as it is a fridge item we need to select clone
    • Be sure to set defaults
  • Then you can change the catalog description
    • but you don't need to do that now. You can do that later too.
  • Then press finish
  • You can give a ModelName
    • Change Nullmodel in whatever you want, but it's not a bad idea to refer to the food you want to create.
    • Then press Update
  • Then SimPE asks you to already save the package somewhere and give it a name.
    • I always use kinda the same structure something like BeefStew-S2I-20160528
  • Now the real work begins!
Assigning the GUID
  • As I said before, this is not a beginners tutorial. I won't explain how to assign a new GUID.
  • Be sure to press the button "Plugin view" at the bottom on the left.
  • Go to Object Data (OBJD) in the Resource Tree.
    • You'll see two names in the Resource List
  • Be sure when you change the GUID you use names like Food - Beef Stew - Menu and Food - Beef Stew
    • Don't forget to press the button Commit
    • Now write down both GUIDs 'cause you'll need them later.
Assigning the food
  • I don't know what other title to give it, but this is very important that you do it right or the food won't work in game.
    • Take the written down GUIDs with you and split them up in pairs leaving out the 0x. E.g.:
      • Food - Beef Stew - Menu: 00 65 A2 96
      • Food - Beef Stew: 00 65 A2 97
    • Go to Behaviour Function (BHAV)
      • Go to CT - GUID - Menu
        • You'll see the operands and below that you'll see "is instance of: GUID 0x........ which is actually the operands but the other way around
        • So you fill out in the first cell of the operands the last pair (in my eg 96) and so do that for all four pairs.
      • Go to CT - Factory - Food
        • Select the first line and do the same with the operands as above, but with the food GUID.
The menu

  • Go to Catalog Description (CTSS) in the Resource Tree and press Catalog Description in the Resource List
    • In the first line you write the title of your food. In my example that's: Beef Stew
    • In the second line you write the descriptions for the food. In my example that's: This is a delicious bowl of Beef Stew. Looks tasty!
  • Go to Text Lists (STR#) in the Resource Tree and press [Text Lists] in the Resource List
    • Go to your languagestring. I speak Dutch, but I'll use English as the language string in this example and make it default as I want to upload it.
      • Very important to press the button "Default lang only" so if the custom food is used in another game with another language it's still English. Otherwise you'll get comments like, "In my game it's still called Chili Con Carne, but when my sim prepares it, it looks like Beef Stew".
      • To easily change these lines, press the button Export Lang so you can save into a notepad .txt file. Then you can replace the words (eg: Chili Con Carne) very fast into, in my example, Beef Stew. by pressing CTRL+H.
      • Save the .txt file again and use the button Import Lang in SimPE to import it again.
    • Don't forget to press the button Commit on the right.

Changing the texture

  • Go to Texture Image (TXTR) in the Resource Tree.
    • The names in the Resource List kind of speak for themselves.
    • You only need to change a few of them.
      • ...foodprepchili-ingredients_txtr: These are the ingredients of the food you cloned. That's why you need to think carefully what food you will clone (at the beginning of this tutorial).
      • ...foodeatchili-state-cooked_txtr
      • ...foodprepbowlchili-state-raw_txtr
      • ...foodeatchili-state-burned_txtr
    • Right-click on the texture and press export. Save the texture somewhere and change it to the way your food needs to look like.
    • Right-click on the texture again and press Build DXT
      • Format: DXT3Format or DXT1Format (I basically leave it when I clone Maxis food, but prefer changing it to DXT3Format when cloning custom food like ice-cream)
      • Sharpen: None
      • Open Image and select the changed texture.
      • Then press Build.
    • Don't forget to press (right-click) Update all sizes and the button Commit
  • Take a view at Geometric Data Container (GMDC) in the Resource Tree
    • In the Resource List you see the same names as in the Texture Image list so the names speak for themselves.
      • To take a peek at your new texture on the mesh, select the name of the texture you have changed in the GMDC Resource List.
      • Then press Preview in the Plugin View.
      • Wait a while because it has to load. Then you can see the preview and change the texture again if your not satisfied.
      • In this way you don't always need to start the game to take a look at the texture (really a huge timesaver).

Actually now you're done creating a custom food item.
You can upload the packagefile somewhere, but please, credit this tutorial by using this link so others can learn this as well.

More subtutorials on creating food will be uploaded soon!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

New idea: Friends - The One With Two Parts, part 2 - S1E17

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the six main characters of Friends in that certain episode. SPOILER
You can then play this in the game as you wish.
The blogpost about the personality, family tree,... of the six main characters in general is found here:

General happenings season 1:
The first season introduces the six main characters: Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler, and Ross. Rachel arrives at Central Perk after running away from her wedding to her fiancé Barry and moves into her friend from high school's (Monica’s) apartment with her. Ross, who has had a crush on Rachel since the two of them were in high school, constantly attempts to tell her how he feels about her. However, many obstacles stand in his way, such as the fact that he is expecting a baby with his lesbian ex-wife, Carol. Joey is shown to be a bachelor and struggling actor, while Phoebe works as a masseuse and portrays a sort of "crazy" attribute to her personality based on her troubles as a child after her mother committed suicide. However the rest of the group loves her regardless. Chandler breaks up with girlfriend Janice, who frequently returns in later seasons. At the end of the season, Chandler accidentally reveals that Ross loves Rachel, who realizes that she feels the same way. The season ends with Rachel waiting at the airport for Ross’ arrival from a trip.

The One With Two Parts, part 2 - S1E17
Monica takes Rachel to the hospital; Rachel has no insurance, so she and Monica switch identities--a tricky situation that is made worse when two cute doctors (guest stars George Clooney and Noah Wyle) ask them on dates; Monica and Rachel start arguing and end up listing all their worst qualities in front of their dates. Ross worries about whether he can be a good father; he seeks comfort from his friends and advice from his father. Joey continues to date Ursula, which interferes with his friendship with Phoebe--he misses her birthday; however, when Ursula stands Joey up and won't return his calls, Phoebe talks to her and finds out she isn't even planning to tell Joey it's over; Phoebe pretends to be Ursula so she can let him down nicely--a ruse which doesn't last. Marcel chokes on scrabble tiles and has to be rushed to the hospital; Ross realizes he can cope with the responsibilities of parenthood. Ugly Naked Guy has a hula-hoop.

Joey: He wants to take Ursula to the Rainbow Room which is very expensive. But she doesn't show.

Chandler: Nothing special happens to him.

Ross: He has a bad dream about it and doesn't feel he's ready, but then Marcel almost choked in some Scrabble tiles and Ross did a great job taking care of him.

Rachel: She's in the hospital because of her ankle, but she doesn't have insurance so she pretends being Monica. They meet two cute doctors, Dr. Michael Mitchill and Dr. Geoffrey Rosen and go out with them, but it's hard when switching names. She tries to comfort her father, but then there's a second call, there's a problem with the form they filled out in the hospital.

Monica: Invites the doctors, but has a fight with Rachel, because she wants to tell them the truth. They tell bad things about eachother, pretending to be eachother, and Monica tells Rachel's father she had sex with Billy Dreskin in his bed, in freshman year. Apparantly his father tried to ruin Rachel's father, who is a doctor.
Right now she is a chef in a restaurant in town.

Phoebe: Has a suprise party, but Joey isn't there. Phoebe feels quilty about Ursula dumping Joey. She goes to talk to Ursula and  then goes to him, to give him closure, with the sweater on that Joey got for Ursula and Ursula gave to her (thier birthdays). He finds out she's not Ursula after they kissed.


Saturday, August 13, 2016

New idea: Friends - The One With Two Parts, part 1 - S1E16

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the six main characters of Friends in that certain episode. SPOILER
You can then play this in the game as you wish.
The blogpost about the personality, family tree,... of the six main characters in general is found here:

General happenings season 1:
The first season introduces the six main characters: Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler, and Ross. Rachel arrives at Central Perk after running away from her wedding to her fiancé Barry and moves into her friend from high school's (Monica’s) apartment with her. Ross, who has had a crush on Rachel since the two of them were in high school, constantly attempts to tell her how he feels about her. However, many obstacles stand in his way, such as the fact that he is expecting a baby with his lesbian ex-wife, Carol. Joey is shown to be a bachelor and struggling actor, while Phoebe works as a masseuse and portrays a sort of "crazy" attribute to her personality based on her troubles as a child after her mother committed suicide. However the rest of the group loves her regardless. Chandler breaks up with girlfriend Janice, who frequently returns in later seasons. At the end of the season, Chandler accidentally reveals that Ross loves Rachel, who realizes that she feels the same way. The season ends with Rachel waiting at the airport for Ross’ arrival from a trip.

The One With Two Parts, part 1 - S1E16
Chandler and Joey meet Ursula, Phoebe's twin sister; Joey begins dating Ursula, but that bothers Phoebe, who doesn't get along with her sister very well. Ross attends Lamaze class with Carol and Susan; Carol isn't sure she can go through with the delivery; Ross realizes he's really going to be a father. Chandler can't bear to fire an employee he's attracted to, so he starts to date her and tells everyone else she's mentally unbalanced, so it isn't safe to fire her; she begins to notice people treating her oddly, so Chandler has to come clean. Ross has trouble controlling his monkey, Marcel, who switches Monica's TV into Spanish mode; no one can figure out how to switch it back. Mr. Heckles could have cats. Jamie and Fran (from Mad About You) make an appearance in Central Perk. Rachel finally gets around to taking down the Christmas lights, but falls off the balcony in the process, and ends up hanging upside down outside Mr. Heckles' window.

Joey: and Chandler are going to Riff's and meet Ursula. He thinks of her totally different than Phoebe (her twin sister) and when he goes back to Riff's he ordered a coffee, but she brought im tuna melt nd four plates of curly fries. So he asks her out and has a lot of fun. So they are going out again to the Ice Capades.

Chandler: Now he got a promotion, but it goes bad with the company. MrDee, his boss, tells him to fire Nina Bookbinder, but he asks her out instead. He tells his collegues she has a mental problem and tells his assistent, Helen, to arrange the raise he promised Nina. But Helen asks if she still has to send Nina's psychology rapport to personel. So Nina finds out the truth and is not happy.

Ross: His monkey, Marcel is out of control. He goes to lamaze class with the whole parenting team. Carol, his pregnant ex-wife, is a teacher and misses lamaze class because of a parent-teacher thing. Ross follows the class with Susan, but he has to be the mommy. The third time they follow the class Carol realises she's not ready and Ross realises he's going to be a father.

Rachel: She feels that she is pretty much unemployable. She doesn't find  job (maybe in TS2 the career Job Candidate is something good for her:
She promised months ago to take down the Christmas lights. She finally does, but strains her angle and Monica brings her to the hospital.

Monica: The most important thing that happens to her is going to the hospital with Rachel.

Phoebe: Tells about her sister, how she used to break her stuff and steal her boyfriend, Randy Brown, so now she's afraid she will lose Joey. It's her birthday suprise party, but Joey isn't there. She goes to talk to him and Ursula opens the door. She obviously spent the night.


Friday, August 12, 2016

Personal Picks: Major - American Idol History

My favourite major I made myself is American Idol History which you can find here:

Description Do you have what it takes to be the next Simerican Idol? This major will give you a head start. Here, you will learn how the show has grown in terms of popularity and musical ability. Students, like you, will also learn how their favorite Idol contestants became famous.

I love to watch shows like Belgium's Got Talent or Idol. I don't think there is a career yet.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Personal Picks: Career - Tattoo Artist (PTO+CC)

This is something new on my blog. Once in a while I will write about Personal Picks ... in the Sims 2.
The difference between Unmissable CC and Personal Picks is that Unmissable CC is created by fellow creators and Personal Picks is always CC created by me (which sounds obvious, not?).

Today I will talk shortly about my favourite career. I made many many careers for Sims 2 already so I have several Personal Picks. The first I want to mention is New Career: Tattoo Artist (PTO+CC):
It was a request quite a long time ago, but if it wasn't requested I might have written it myself, 'cause it's something you really can't miss in a neighbourhood, I think.
Because it's one of my favourits, it's one of the careers I already updated with PTO and CC.

I hope you like it too.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

New Unmissable CC: 6 Serving Meatball Sub

I saw this on ModtheSims and I thought this should be unmissable CC.

It's made by AriesFlare on ModTheSims:
This is something I really love because I made a lot of Sub Sandwiches myself too. But the ones AriesFlare made has always a different mesh and look really great. I hope you like it as much as I do.

I hope you enjoy these as much as I do.
Please, thank AriesFlare on MTS in the thread for this great work!

I accept requests full time!
If you have a request please go here:

Please, don't upload these creations anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
Or share this link anywhere:

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

New Unmissable CC: Mootilda and Phae's 'For Sale' Sign

I saw this on ModtheSims and I thought this should be unmissable CC.

It's made by Phaenoh on ModTheSims:
This little sign is a handy thing to plant in your yard right before you leave home for good. It will automatically keep your beautifully designed kitchen and bathroom built-ins, all light fixtures, and give you proper value for it when you leave. Based off Inge's StayThingsShrub; Programmed by Mootilda, mesh/texture and minor coding by Phaenoh, MTS.

I hope you enjoy these as much as I do.
Please, thank Phaenoh on MTS in the thread for this great work!

Please, don't upload these creations anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
Or share this link anywhere:

Monday, August 08, 2016

New Career: Detective Solving The Case - General

This is a new career in a series of careers. They will all be found under the label Theme - Detective.
For this upload, you get the career itself and my general chance cards (which should fit any career) (so 6 files like always).
Future uploads will only contain the versions with chance cards, but not the general ones. I'll try to write out a case and suit it for this career. So your sim can climb up this career and solve case after case after case, but for the game it's career, after career, after career.
I hope this is a bit clear to you and you will love this idea.
You can always say in a comment what case you want me to suit into this career, or write the chance cards yourself for a certain case (I think about the cases solved in the many many detective TV series and books).


Download (PTO+CC)
This download exists out of 6 package files (PTO+CC), 2 translationfiles (descriptions+chancecards) and the overview in a pdf-file (spoiler)

If you have University
You will notice this career might be linked to some majors (look at the overview to see if and which ones) and that your sim might need a degree or not (not necessarly a degree in a major that the career is linked to. Any major would do).
If you don't have University, this career works as a normal career.
Also if you look with the Job Board or with another object mod for this career, the degree does not matter. You will always find the career for your sim.

If you have any questions, you can always ask!

PTO versions
PTO7 by default.
PTO3 version.
PTO5 version.
These versions are available for the career with and without chance cards.

All 6 careers have a different GUID so you can use them all together in game.

If you like this creation, please, press the thanks button and/or leave a comment. Feedback always keeps a creator going for making more new stuff.

The careers don't show up in my game:
What is PTO?
Can you create a career for me?:
I want to add (better) chance cards to this career:
Could you create a career for Sims 3?
Available Sims 3 careers:

- Every level has now "lvl #" in the title. # standing for the number of the level.
- There are ten different chancecards (althought they are general).
- There is now a link with a University major, though, you don't need the EP to use this career!

How to translate?
1. Is the career already translated into the language you want, because then your hard work would be in vain? Check it here:
2. It's important that you just translate the English lines. (See the thread to know which descriptions and which levels belong together)
3. You have to translate it twice. Once for male and once for female. Even when it's the same description!
---- Please, don't change the other lines.
4. Don't forget to translate the word "Unemployed" and to give me the translation of the career title as I will need that info when I add your translation to the career.
5. Upload the translated file to a comment in this thread.

Additional Credits:
Wooden UI by Calidan (MTS)
Job Seeking Board by Moghughson (MTS)
Numenor’s Anygamestarter
The dress is found here:

Please, don't upload these creations anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
Or share this link anywhere:

Sunday, August 07, 2016

New Career: Cosmetology


Download (PTO+CC)
This download exists out of 6 package files (PTO+CC), 2 translationfiles (descriptions+CC) and the descriptionfile (spoiler). The translations Dutch and German are not added so you don't have to download too much.
You can get them seperatly (complete map with 3 files each) on SFS soon. For now just contact me about it through the contact form.
The general chance cards are not translated yet. So I didn't add the translated versions CC(PTO).
This is actually the English version. When you download the zipfile, you see six packages which contain all English descriptions and chance cards.

If you have University
You will notice this career might be linked to some majors (look at the overview to see if and which ones) and that your sim might need a degree or not (not necessarly a degree in a major that the career is linked to. Any major would do).
If you don't have University, this career works as a normal career.
Also if you look with the Job Board or with another object mod for this career, the degree does not matter. You will always find the career for your sim.

If you have any questions, you can always ask!

Chance cards
A lot of requesters nearly never ask for chance cards. It's a lot of work writing these so I understand that, but I want to provide chance cards as well.
It's not needed to create a career and also MTS' rules say you don't have to write them.
I don't write the career myself, so I don't feel that it's up to me to write the chance cards as I don't know enough about the subject.
That's why I wrote general chance cards that can fit with nearly all careers for all levels.
It are ten different chancecards. All made for a general job. Sometimes it won't really fit, but it's the best I could do.
It's more something I do for me personally as I like having chance cards in my game.
As I understand some downloaders would think that these chance cards don't go with this career, I added 2 versions one with and one without chance cards (CC).
For both versions all PTO versions are made so there are 6 careers in total.
If you don't like the general chance cards, you can play the career without and if you want to write your own chance cards for this career, you can do that here:

PTO versions
PTO7 by default.
PTO3 version.
PTO5 version.
These versions are available for the career with and without chance cards.

All 6 careers have a different GUID so you can use them all together in game.

If you like this creation, please, press the thanks button and/or leave a comment. Feedback always keeps a creator going for making more new stuff.

The careers don't show up in my game:
What is PTO?
Can you create a career for me?:
I want to add (better) chance cards to this career:
Could you create a career for Sims 3?
Available Sims 3 careers:

- Every level has now "lvl #" in the title. # standing for the number of the level.
- There are ten different chancecards (althought they are general).
- There is now a link with a University major, though, you don't need the EP to use this career!

How to translate?

1. Is the career already translated into the language you want, because then your hard work would be in vain? Check it here:
2. It's important that you just translate the English lines. (See the thread to know which descriptions and which levels belong together)
3. You have to translate it twice. Once for male and once for female. Even when it's the same description!
---- Please, don't change the other lines.
4. Don't forget to translate the word "Unemployed" and to give me the translation of the career title as I will need that info when I add your translation to the career.
5. Upload the translated file to a comment in this thread.

Additional Credits:
Wooden UI by Calidan (MTS)
Job Seeking Board by Moghughson (MTS)
Numenor’s Anygamestarter
The dress is found here:

Please, don't upload these creations anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
Or share this link anywhere:

Saturday, August 06, 2016

New Career: Veterinarian


This download exists out of 6 package files (PTO+CC), 2 translationfiles (descriptions+CC) and the descriptionfile (spoiler)

If you have University
You will notice this career might be linked to some majors (look at the overview to see if and which ones) and that your sim might need a degree or not (not necessarly a degree in a major that the career is linked to. Any major would do).
If you don't have University, this career works as a normal career.
Also if you look with the Job Board or with another object mod for this career, the degree does not matter. You will always find the career for your sim.

If you have any questions, you can always ask!

Chance cards
A lot of requesters nearly never ask for chance cards. It's a lot of work writing these so I understand that, but I want to provide chance cards as well.
It's not needed to create a career and also MTS' rules say you don't have to write them.
I don't write the career myself, so I don't feel that it's up to me to write the chance cards as I don't know enough about the subject.
That's why I wrote general chance cards that can fit with nearly all careers for all levels.
It are ten different chancecards. All made for a general job. Sometimes it won't really fit, but it's the best I could do.
It's more something I do for me personally as I like having chance cards in my game.
As I understand some downloaders would think that these chance cards don't go with this career, I added 2 versions one with and one without chance cards (CC).
For both versions all PTO versions are made so there are 6 careers in total.
If you don't like the general chance cards, you can play the career without and if you want to write your own chance cards for this career, you can do that here:

PTO versions
PTO7 by default.
PTO3 version.
PTO5 version.
These versions are available for the career with and without chance cards.

All 6 careers have a different GUID so you can use them all together in game.

If you like this creation, please, press the thanks button and/or leave a comment. Feedback always keeps a creator going for making more new stuff.

The careers don't show up in my game:
What is PTO?
Can you create a career for me?:
I want to add (better) chance cards to this career:
Could you create a career for Sims 3?
Available Sims 3 careers:

- Every level has now "lvl #" in the title. # standing for the number of the level.
- There are ten different chancecards (althought they are general).
- There is now a link with a University major, though, you don't need the EP to use this career!

How to translate?

1. Is the career already translated into the language you want, because then your hard work would be in vain? Check it here:
2. It's important that you just translate the English lines. (See the thread to know which descriptions and which levels belong together)
3. You have to translate it twice. Once for male and once for female. Even when it's the same description!
---- Please, don't change the other lines.
4. Don't forget to translate the word "Unemployed" and to give me the translation of the career title as I will need that info when I add your translation to the career.
5. Upload the translated file to a comment in this thread.

Additional Credits:
Wooden UI by Calidan (MTS)
Job Seeking Board by Moghughson (MTS)
Numenor’s Anygamestarter

Please, don't upload these creations anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
Or share this link anywhere:

Friday, August 05, 2016

New Unmissable CC: Eight Elements - Pet Jobs

I saw this on ModtheSims and I thought this should be unmissable CC.

It's made by Billielith on ModTheSims:
There aren't many Maxis pet jobs and there aren't many custom pet careers, but these are eight careers I really love for my pets to have. I like my pets having a job rather than destroying the house all day (especially cats because they are away from home all day anyway and no one knows what they do then so they might as well can earn a bit cash) and my sims can use the extra cash to spoil their pets. And with these careers not all pets in the neighbourhood have to have the same job.

I hope you enjoy these as much as I do.
Please, thank Billielith on MTS in the thread for this great work!

I accept requests full time!
If you have a request please go here:

Please, don't upload these creations anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
Or share this link anywhere:

Thursday, August 04, 2016

New Unmissable CC: Genderswapped Uberhood

I saw this on ModtheSims and I thought this should be unmissable CC.

It's made by Sushigal007 on ModTheSims:
Normally I don't like downloading complete hoods, but I love playing Pleasantview and as this Uberhood is Pleasantview with a twist, I really love this new neighbourhood. It's so much fun to play Pleasantview this way.

I hope you enjoy these as much as I do.
Please, thank Sushigal007 on MTS in the thread for this great work!

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Wednesday, August 03, 2016

New Unmissable CC: Cupcakes and Pastries Creator Career

I saw this on ModtheSims and I thought this should be unmissable CC.

It's made by Puddingfishcake on ModTheSims:
As I made  lot of cupcakes already, I really love this career. It really suits the cupcakes.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.
Please, thank Puddingfishcake on MTS in the thread for this great work!

I accept requests full time!
If you have a request please go here:

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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

New Unmissable CC: NCI - Sims Investment Certificates

I really love this creation. I love all CC that has to do with economics and so this is a really musthave - Unmissable CC.

It's made by d_dgjdhh on ModTheSims:
I always use these when I build a bank in a new neighbourhood.

I hope you enjoy these as much as I do.
Please, thank d_dgjdhh on MTS in the thread for this great work!

I accept requests full time!
If you have a request please go here:

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Monday, August 01, 2016

New food: The Simpsons Cupcakes Set

These are six cupcakes (chocolate) with textures of The Simpsons for the Theme TV.
The Simpsons:
- Bart Simpson
- Donut
- Homer Simpson (Burned in the picture as an example of a burned cupcake)
- Lisa Simpson
- Marge Simpson
- Maggie Simpson

To make these I used the mesh and textures made by Exnem. As far as I now the site is dead and the policy is nowhere to be found.
If anyone asks me to delete these, I will do so immediatly.

The cupcakes Exnem made are different from mine. Exnem's are available in the buy catalog and not made from scratch by the sim.
I cloned the layer cake in base game (6 cooking skill required) to make these. So a sim makes these from scratch.
It are exactly the same animations when baking a cake, only the result is different.


Miscellaneous > Foods > Cupcakes

Where and when to find it
It appears during lunch and dinner times.

Good to know
All my food will be created the same way. I want all the food I create to have a menu with the same structure. (Past created food will be updated.)
FAQ: How is the food menu organised:

As this is cloned from layer cake there is a chance that your sims role a new want: "eating/preparing ... “Name of cupcake" like they role a want for the layer cake.

One issue
The plate won't be empty when the cupcake has been eaten. This is an error I can't help because I cloned this from the mesh Exnem made and I don't know how to change it.

Poly counts
Ingredients Tray is 722.
Prep State is 1,334.
Serving Size is 2,338.
Single Serve and Plate is 543.

Can you create a food item for me?
Yes, I can. but just remember I don't create new meshes. So recoloring is possible.
It depends on which food it is (preferably Maxis’), but it's probably not a problem to clone and recolor it.
Just ask and I'll let you know if I can do it or not.

If you like this creation, please, press the thanks button and/or leave a comment.
Feedback always keeps a creator going for making more new stuff (in this case food).

Please give credit with a link when using my work.
Ask me first before modifying/using.
Let me know if you use my work.

Additional Credits:
Exnem for the original meshes and the textures (I edited)
Google Images (for the textures of cupcakes)
Numenor's Anygamestarter

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