All creations can be found here:
in the same structure as the labels on the right.
Even when the downloadlink in the blogpost doesn't work.

When SimFileShare is not available, please, let me know which creation(s) you wish to download!
Any questions, don't hesitate to ask. (Facebook Messenger on my Facebookpage)
Happy simming!

Sunday, June 28, 2020

New Idea: Friends - The One With The Girl Who Hits Joey - S5E15

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the six main characters of Friends in that certain episode. SPOILER
You can then play this in the game as you wish.
The blogpost about the personality, family tree,... of the six main characters in general is found here:

General happenings season 5:
Season five starts with Ross and Emily's wedding in London. The season features Monica and Chandler trying to keep their new relationship a secret from their friends. Phoebe gives birth to triplets in the show's 100th episode. She gives birth to a boy, Frank Jr. Jr., and two girls: Leslie and Chandler. Emily states that the only condition in which she would remain married to Ross is if he stops all communication with Rachel. Ross agrees, but during a last dinner with all six main characters together, Emily phones Ross and, upon discovering Rachel is there, realizes she does not trust him, which ends the marriage. Phoebe begins a relationship with a police officer, Gary (Michael Rapaport), after finding his badge and using it as her own. Monica and Chandler go public with their relationship, to the surprise and happiness of their friends. They decide to get married on a trip to Las Vegas, but, change their plans after witnessing Ross and Rachel drunkenly stumble out of the wedding chapel.

The One With The Girl Who Hits Joey - S5E15
Ross confronts Chandler about his relationship with Monica; at first Ross is angry, but he quickly sees the good in it. Ross, Joey, Rachel, and Phoebe talk about what it will be like if Chandler and Monica have kids. Chandler gets a bit freaked out about the idea of a lasting commitment and ends up in an argument with Monica. In a misguided effort to apologize, Chandler proposes marriage--an offer which Monica does not accept. Meanwhile, Joey dates Katie, a cute little woman who likes to punch Joey's arm--a lot. It gets to be too much for Joey, and he decides to break up with her--which he's very nervous about. Luckily, Katie nearly gets in a fight with Rachel and threatens to walk out on Joey if he doesn't take her side. He refuses and the relationship ends. Ross moves into his new apartment; the president of the tenant's committee asks him to contribute 100 dollars toward's the retiring handyman's gift. Ross has never even met the man, to he declines. Everyone in the building decides Ross is cheap and not "their kind of people," so he stubbornly tries to win their friendship. Things just get worse, however, despite (and a little because of) Phoebe's efforts to help him.


Nothing much happens to her.


Now everyone knows about Chandler and her their friends fantasize  about their wedding and kids, but they are not there yet.


She was there when Steve asked for 100$. She's at the retirementparty and everyone likes her. She tries to come up for Ross resulting in the fact that they are now both (only the two of them) alone at Ross's party.


Katie is a small girl who he is dating. She's really cute and nice, but punches him (though she tries to be cute in it) and it really hearts him. His friends mock with him about a little girl beating him up. Until they find out that it's indeed true. It's in fact Rachel who she punches and she punches back. Katie asks Joey to stand up for her and when he doesn't, she walks away.


He freaks out about the jokes about marriages and babies. Monica gets mad. She tries to make things right and he proposes because he's sorry. They're okay again, but she turns him down.


Ross found out about Chandler and Monica. At first he's mad, but when he realises they love eachother he's very happy for them. He has some moodswings. He moves into his new apartment across the street. Steve Cera is the president of the tenants commission. He asks Ross to give 100$ for Howard the handyman who retires. Ross refuses as he haq never met Howard and just moved in. Steve and the other tenants are now mad at him. He invites the whole building for a housewarming to prove he's not a cheap guy, but no one shows as it is Howard's party.


Copyright © 2020 Sims2Idea, All rights reserved.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

New Food: Letter I Cupcake

Together with my best friend who also loves Friends the TV show, I made cupcakes with each a letter of the word "Friends" with both a black and white background.
I will upload them all in seperate posts as I made pictures of them to use for cupcakes in The Sims 2. I really hope they were well taken to create cupcakes for The Sims 2.
The plate is a default replacement by GreenEyedSims found here:
The plate is NOT needed or required for the food to work!

It can be found under Project & Themes -> Friends Project
Download @ SFS: Share this with FRIENDS

Basic information

It's cloned from the layer cake so it acts as such.
Needed cooking skill to cook the food: 6
Needed cooking skill to not burn the food: 8
(I recommend 
Variable Meal Servings by Neder)
Available for lunch and dinner
Found under Have(/Serve) Dessert.../S2I's "Name of food"


More questions

Let me know through messenger (sidebar of the blog). I'll be glad to help.
Please, provide as much information as you can (maybe with a screenshot).
The more information you give me about a question/problem the better I can help.


The plate is a default replacement by GreenEyedSims found here:

Please, don't upload these creations anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
Or share this link anywhere:

Sunday, June 21, 2020

New career: Zookeeper by Shaye

There is one package file
1 translationfile (descriptions) (for if you want to translate the career)
And the overview in a pdf-file (spoiler)
Download @ SFS

If you have University
You will notice this career might be linked to some majors (look at the overview to see if and which ones) and that your sim might need a degree or not (not necessarly a degree in a major that the career is linked to. Any major would do).
If you don't have University, this career works as a normal career.
Also if you look with the Job Board or with another object mod for this career, the degree does not matter. You will always find the career for your sim.
If you have any questions, you can always ask!

All new careers (and updated old careers) I made are in different versions (Default PTO7, PTO3 and PTO5). Now finally after many years it has been made possible to create a global mod for PTO3 and PTO5.
So if you'd like to have PTO3 or PTO5 versions of my careers.

Please, go here to download the global mod:
You can keep the PTO3 or PTO5 versions you already have in your downloadfolder. You don't need to redownload the career.

If you have any questions, you can contact me by Facebook Messenger (sidebar on this blog).

- Every level has now "lvl #" in the title. # standing for the number of the level.
- There is now a link with a University major, though, you don't need the EP to use this career


If you like this creation, please, press the thanks button and/or leave a comment. Feedback always keeps a creator going for making more new stuff.

Credits for the icon:

Additional Credits:
Wooden UI by Calidan (MTS)
Job Seeking Board by Moghughson (MTS)
Numenor's Anygamestarter

Please, don't upload these creations anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
Or share this link anywhere:

Copyright © 2020 Sims2Idea, All rights reserved.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

New Idea: TBBT - The Peanut Reaction - S1E16

After being a (crazy) Friends-fan for nearly 2 decades I started to like The Big Bang Theory too (maybe because the end of the series has been announced). Anyway I want to do for The Big Bang Theory what I did for Friends.

I don't know the episodes of The Big Bang Theory (TBBT) as by heart as I know Friends-episodes, but I am planning to also create careers, food,... from the show as I am doing/ did for Friends.

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the main characters of The Big Bang Theory in that certain episode. SPOILER
You can then play this in the game as you wish.

General happenings season 1:
The lives of physicists Dr. Leonard Hofstadter and Dr. Sheldon Cooper are shaken up when an attractive young aspiring actress from Omaha, Nebraska named Penny moves into the apartment across the hall from theirs. Leonard begins to become hopelessly enamored of Penny, while she feels only platonic affection for him; as a result, she finds herself putting up with his closest and ever-present friends: his roommate, Sheldon, who appears borderline obsessive-compulsive; engineering whiz Howard Wolowitz, a desperately sex-crazed mama's boy who thinks that his 1960s-style clothing and hairstyle give him an air of cool hipness; and Dr. Rajesh "Raj" Koothrappali, who will not speak to her as he is too shy to talk to women (a case of selective mutism), unless intoxicated in which case he becomes a smooth talking yet highly overly aggressive womanizing flirt.
During Season One, Sheldon loses his job for insulting his new boss, finds his ego bruised by a child prodigy, becomes unable to bear being part of a lie that Leonard has told, and is always attacking the world with a relentless need to assert his supremacy. Rajesh first learns that he can talk to women, but only when he is drunk, and Penny and Leonard finally go out in the season finale. It is so far the only season not to feature John Ross Bowie as the recurring character Barry Kripke and Kevin Sussman as Stuart Bloom.

The Peanut Reaction - S1E16
Penny learns that Leonard has never had a birthday party, as his parents did not believe in celebrating anything other than achievements. She decides to throw him a surprise party, and blackmails Sheldon to join in by threatening to draw a smiley face on each of his mint condition comic books. However, on the day of the party, Penny discovers Sheldon has not yet bought a present, so she has to drive him to a computer store to buy one. Meanwhile, Howard has the task of keeping Leonard out of his apartment before the party. Howard pretends to eat a peanut bar, to which he is allergic, so that Leonard will drive him to the emergency room. However, Sheldon's lack of focus at the computer store means Howard has to distract Leonard even longer, and he eventually actually eats the peanut bar, swelling up in a severe allergic reaction. After several hours at the hospital, Howard and Leonard arrive back at the apartment to find the party has ended, though Penny does kiss Leonard.


He hated birthdayparties. He agrees after Penny blackmails him to take all his comic books out of their cover and she will draw a smiley in one of them and he doesn't know which one.
He doesn't want to buy a present though. Penny convinces him to do so and he takes him to the store.


He has never had a birthdayparty. He is clearly broken because of this. His parents only celbrated achievements. He is too late for his own birthdayparty becasue of Howard's real allergic reaction.


She feels really sorry for Leonard so she asks the guys to throw Leonard a birthdayparty. She feels sorry Leonard missed his birthdayparty and kisses him.


He tries to lure Leonard out of the appartment.Nothing works so he pretends he gets an allergy attack from eating peanuts. When at the hospital it seems that there was no attack, he really eats peanuts after Penny tells him which of her friends are easy..


Nothing much happens to him.


Sunday, June 14, 2020

New Food: Letter R Cupcake

Together with my best friend who also loves Friends the TV show, I made cupcakes with each a letter of the word "Friends" with both a black and white background.
I will upload them all in seperate posts as I made pictures of them to use for cupcakes in The Sims 2. I really hope they were well taken to create cupcakes for The Sims 2.
The plate is a default replacement by GreenEyedSims found here:
The plate is NOT needed or required for the food to work!

It can be found under Project & Themes -> Friends Project
Download @ SFS: Share this with FRIENDS

Basic information

It's cloned from the layer cake so it acts as such.
Needed cooking skill to cook the food: 6
Needed cooking skill to not burn the food: 8
(I recommend 
Variable Meal Servings by Neder)
Available for lunch and dinner
Found under Have(/Serve) Dessert.../S2I's "Name of food"


More questions

Let me know through messenger (sidebar of the blog). I'll be glad to help.
Please, provide as much information as you can (maybe with a screenshot).
The more information you give me about a question/problem the better I can help.


The plate is a default replacement by GreenEyedSims found here:

Please, don't upload these creations anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
Or share this link anywhere:

Saturday, June 13, 2020

New Announcement: Dead website RetailSims

A lot of (very old) websites are not supported anymore and therefor the creations uploaded will be lost. Luckily there are sites like the simsgraveyard,... to preserve them.


After I learned that the website would go down soon, I searched for a way not only to preserve the creations, but also the pictures and information with each creation. To preserve it as original as possible I was able to download and zip the complete website EXACTLY as it was.
Download the zipfile and unzip it in a folder. Then doubleclick index.html and you should see the homepage of the website. Then you can click on every link just as it was on the Internet.
Try it with wifi turned off if you want to be sure it works. All the zipfiles of the creations, pictures and text are included and already unzipped on your computer, but it's a much better overview if you can just view and "download" it from the website itself.!Ap2waupkwIAGhJtK7nar_vd9fRbjZQ?e=IQPdvw&fbclid=IwAR1lALDzpY-doZTDBjag2eXAUxDC40ta4kKH-0uGelMWlSPTHgmOI5GKVic

Sunday, June 07, 2020

New Food: Letter F Cupcake

Together with my best friend who also loves Friends the TV show, I made cupcakes with each a letter of the word "Friends" with both a black and white background.
I will upload them all in seperate posts as I made pictures of them to use for cupcakes in The Sims 2. I really hope they were well taken to create cupcakes for The Sims 2.
The plate is a default replacement by GreenEyedSims found here:
The plate is NOT needed or required for the food to work!

It can be found under Project & Themes -> Friends Project
Download @ SFS: Share this with FRIENDS

Basic information

It's cloned from the layer cake so it acts as such.
Needed cooking skill to cook the food: 6
Needed cooking skill to not burn the food: 8
(I recommend 
Variable Meal Servings by Neder)
Available for lunch and dinner
Found under Have(/Serve) Dessert.../S2I's "Name of food"


More questions

Let me know through messenger (sidebar of the blog). I'll be glad to help.
Please, provide as much information as you can (maybe with a screenshot).
The more information you give me about a question/problem the better I can help.


The plate is a default replacement by GreenEyedSims found here:
The pictures are taken myself. I baked this cupcake (in real life) and took a picture.                          

Please, don't upload these creations anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
Or share this link anywhere:

Older creations