Even when the downloadlink in the blogpost doesn't work.
When SimFileShare is not available, please, let me know which creation(s) you wish to download!
Any questions, don't hesitate to ask. (Facebook Messenger on my Facebookpage)
Happy simming!
Monday, August 26, 2013
New nail polish: Blouse by peachymanaangel
Please, go here for the updated version of this blogpost:
Thursday, August 22, 2013
New Necklace: Name "Kelsey"
This is a silver necklace. It's a name "Kelsey" requested by Spikey on
- For females: teen to elder- Can be worn with every kind of outfit.

Don't forget to download the mesh on SimFileShare as well:
(Body Shop - Mesh):
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
New books: Twilight books
The books of Twilight for The Sims 2.
It can be found under: Sims 2 Idea > Buy Mode > Hobbies
Credits go to:
SimPe, Nate92488 for the Harry Potter books.
Please, don't upload these creations anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
Or share this link anywhere:
New career: Genealogy (requested)
As I do take requests, laivine_erunyauve requested the career Genealogy.
This is a career for adults. It's EP compatible and has its own GUID (no overwrite).No EP required
Click the button to see more information.
If you also have a request please go here:
Requester laivine_erunyauve (TSR)
Career Title Genealogy
Level 1
Title Amateur Genealogist
Description Researching your ancestors is fascinating stuff. Much of your time is spent poring over old family documents and interviewing relatives. It’s a slow process with little funding, but it’s fun. Uncovering your own family tree has given you a thirst for more.
Wages $115
Days Saturday, Sunday
Starthour 10.00
Working hours 05.00
Outfit Leather Jacket
Carpool Sports Team Bus
Level 2
Title Genealogical Society Member
Description To improve in this field you need guidance from professionals. As a Genealogical Society member you have access to mentors, more resources and training seminars. The library has quickly become your second home. Keep improving your skills and networking and soon you may be researching more than just your own family history.
Wages $147
Days Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday
Starthour 10.00
Working hours 05.00
Outfit Leather Jacket
Carpool Sports Team Bus
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 0
Charisma + 0
Creativity + 0
Logic + 1
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 1
Level 3
Title Freelance Genealogist
Description Nothing can compare to having your own clients. It’s a big responsibility to undertake their research but just remember everything you’ve learnt. Your friends at the Genealogical Society are there to help. Now is the perfect time to really develop the skills that will qualify you for certification.
Wages $200
Days Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Starthour 09.00
Working hours 07.00
Outfit Leather Jacket
Carpool Sports Team Bus
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 0
Charisma + 1
Creativity + 1
Logic + 2
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 2
Level 4
Title Certified Genealogist
Description Recognition by the Genealogical Board is a rewarding milestone. You now work in a dedicated local genealogical centre. Your projects are varied but always exciting. Building your skills and interest in a particular area of research will lead to specialisation.
Wages $400
Days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Starthour 08.00
Working hours 08.00
Outfit Cheap Suit
Carpool Sedan
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 0
Charisma + 1
Creativity + 1
Logic + 2
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 1
Level 5
Title Specialist Genealogist
Description As a Specialist Genealogist your expertise in a particular field is highly regarded. Clients desiring research in your area of interest are referred to you. You are a valuable source of information to other genealogists and your research is even published in several books. Keep making a name for yourself and you will soon have even more opportunities
Wages $700
Days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Starthour 08.00
Working hours 08.00
Outfit Power Suit
Carpool Sedan
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 0
Charisma + 1
Creativity + 2
Logic + 2
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 1
Level 6
Title Genealogical Lecturer
Description Your expertise and experience are regarded enough for you to be asked to run your own seminars for the Genealogical Society and even the local university. Training up budding amateur genealogists is fun and rewarding. You continue to provide research services in your local genealogical centre. Your skills and experience will not go unnoticed.
Wages $900
Days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Starthour 08.00
Working hours 04.00
Outfit Power Suit
Carpool Sedan
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 0
Charisma + 2
Creativity + 2
Logic + 2
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 2
Level 7
Title Senior Genealogist
Description As a Senior Genealogist you enjoy working on the most extensive and demanding client projects. Your expertise is also sought by museums and historical societies. You act as a mentor to less experienced genealogists. Travel is an integral and exciting part of your job.
Wages $1300
Days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Starthour 08.00
Working hours 04.00
Outfit Slick Suit
Carpool Sedan
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 0
Charisma + 2
Creativity + 1
Logic + 1
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 2
Level 8
Title Genealogical Service Director
Description The Genealogical Service Director is responsible for managing the staff and clients of the centre. Organise training sessions, liaise with the Genealogical Society and the media and promote your services in the local community. You still have significant research commitments to clients as well. Manage your centre well and the Genealogical Society is sure to take notice.
Wages $1900
Days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Starthour 09.00
Working hours 04.00
Outfit Slick Suit
Carpool Sports Car - Low
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 0
Charisma + 1
Creativity + 2
Logic + 0
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 2
Level 9
Title Genealogical Society Director
Description The prestigious position of Genealogical Society Director is only offered to the most senior genealogists. You are now responsible for recruiting members, organising training and education sessions for both amateur and professional genealogists and managing the Society’s historical records. As well as media and travel commitments you also have research commitments. Networking will only advance your career.
Wages $2300
Days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Starthour 09.00
Working hours 04.00
Outfit Tweed Jacket
Carpool Sports Car - Low
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 0
Charisma + 0
Creativity + 1
Logic + 0
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 2
Level 10
Title Genealogical Board Member
Description As a Genealogical Board Member you are involved in the certification process for genealogists and the regulation of the field. Your years of experience as a genealogist are highly valued. Of course, nothing can take you away from your first love and you still spend some of your time conducting research. You can only hope that one day your own descendents will be proud to see the success you have achieved.
Wages $2700
Days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Starthour 09.00
Working hours 03.00
Outfit NPC Headmaster
Carpool Town Car
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 0
Charisma + 0
Creativity + 0
Logic + 0
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 2
Original icon
Justification by requester Genealogy is a fascinating area! It would be great if our Sims could enter the field too. The family trees that are inbuilt in the game have already exposed players to the field, so this career could potentially be a popular choice for players' Sims.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
New lifespan: As requested by Zaligelover
As I do take requests, zaligelover requested the following lifespan:
If you also have a request please go here:
Baby | 2 |
Toddler | 4 |
Child | 8 |
Teen | 8 |
Adult | 35 |
Elder | 10 |
If you also have a request please go here:
Saturday, August 17, 2013
New necklace: "Cat"
This necklace is "Cat" in Japanese (picture as requested by neocat360)
For females: teen to elder
Can be worn with every kind of outfit.
Don't forget to download the mesh on Sims 2 Idea!
For females: teen to elder
Can be worn with every kind of outfit.
Don't forget to download the mesh on Sims 2 Idea!
Don't forget to download the mesh on SimFileShare as well:
(Body Shop - Mesh):
New lifespan and Universityspan: As requested by Libertina Grimm
As I do take requests, Libertina Grimm requested the following lifespan:
If you also have a request please go here:
It can be found under: Sims 2 Idea > Game Mods > Global Mods > Gameplay Changes
Baby | 24 |
Toddler | 48 |
Child | 72 |
Teen | 72 |
Adult | 516 |
Elder | 360 |
University | 145 hours |
If you also have a request please go here:
It can be found under: Sims 2 Idea > Game Mods > Global Mods > Gameplay Changes
Saturday, August 10, 2013
New FAQ: Download all the remakes at once
A lot of people ask me this. Here's the link to all the remakes at once.
Maybe someday I can do this to download all my creations at once too, but that's a lot of work as there are much more creations than remakes.
Maybe someday I can do this to download all my creations at once too, but that's a lot of work as there are much more creations than remakes.
Friday, August 09, 2013
New remake Sims 3 Late Night: Film - Distinguished Director
This is a remake of the known Maxis' (EA Games) career.
It's not available in The Sims 2 Base Game.
Show more information:
A lot of people asked to create this and finally I remade them all.
Here's an overview of all the remade careers (+ more information on how and why I made this).
I also accept requests full time!
If you have a request please go here:
All people who requested one or several of these careers
EA Games and Maxis
This site without I couldn't create this (all information about careers SPOILER!)
-- (I'm not responsible for changes on this site. If something is not the same as the careers I made that's because it has been changed in the meantime.)
I do NOT take any credit for the levels, descriptions, promotional skills needed, etc. as they are just taken from the Maxis' careers. I tried my best with everything I could not supply from the Maxis career.
All people who requested one or several of these careers
EA Games and Maxis
This site without I couldn't create this (all information about careers SPOILER!)
-- (I'm not responsible for changes on this site. If something is not the same as the careers I made that's because it has been changed in the meantime.)
I do NOT take any credit for the levels, descriptions, promotional skills needed, etc. as they are just taken from the Maxis' careers. I tried my best with everything I could not supply from the Maxis career.
Please, don't upload these careers anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
Or share this link anywhere:
New remake Sims 3: Criminal - Thief Branch
This is a remake of the known Maxis' (EA Games) career.
It's not available in The Sims 2 Base Game.
Show more information:
A lot of people asked to create this and finally I remade them all.
Here's an overview of all the remade careers (+ more information on how and why I made this).
I also accept requests full time!
If you have a request please go here:
All people who requested one or several of these careers
EA Games and Maxis
This site without I couldn't create this (all information about careers SPOILER!)
-- (I'm not responsible for changes on this site. If something is not the same as the careers I made that's because it has been changed in the meantime.)
I do NOT take any credit for the levels, descriptions, promotional skills needed, etc. as they are just taken from the Maxis' careers. I tried my best with everything I could not supply from the Maxis career.
All people who requested one or several of these careers
EA Games and Maxis
This site without I couldn't create this (all information about careers SPOILER!)
-- (I'm not responsible for changes on this site. If something is not the same as the careers I made that's because it has been changed in the meantime.)
I do NOT take any credit for the levels, descriptions, promotional skills needed, etc. as they are just taken from the Maxis' careers. I tried my best with everything I could not supply from the Maxis career.
Please, don't upload these careers anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
Or share this link anywhere:
Wednesday, August 07, 2013
New lifespan and petslifespan: As requested by aennehj
As I do take requests, aennehj requested the following lifespan:
If you also have a request please go here:
It can be found under: Sims 2 Idea > Game Mods > Global Mods > Gameplay Changes
Baby | 12 |
Toddler | 12 |
Child | 12 |
Teen | 12 |
Adult | 96 |
Elder | 24 |
Kitten/puppy | 12 |
Adult animal | 60 |
Elder animal | 24 |
If you also have a request please go here:
It can be found under: Sims 2 Idea > Game Mods > Global Mods > Gameplay Changes
Monday, August 05, 2013
New career: Estate Agent (requested)
As I do take requests, cheesegodtony requested the career Estate Agent.
This is a career for teens. It's EP compatible and has its own GUID (no overwrite).
No EP required
Click the button to see more information.
If you also have a request please go here:
1 Receptionist 9-17 8 $150 M-T-W-Th-F
You've just joined the world of Real Estate. Sit behind the reception desk and greet walk-in customers, answer phones and do paper work. Work on your Cleaning skill to move up the career.
2 Assistant 9-17 8 $300 M-T-W-Th-F
You get to follow the actual Estate Agents around to show houses to different people. Bring them water, snacks, papers whenever they need them. Work on your Logic skill so you can remember what they do well on.
3 Trainee Realtor 9-17 8 $500 M-T-W-Th-F
Alright, you’re a Realtor (sort of). You have a principal hovering above your head telling you what you should or should not do. Work on your Charisma skill to make your principal like you enough to approve you as an actual Realtor.
4 Newbie Real Estate Agent 9-17 8 $1000 M-T-W-Th-F
Out in the world on your own. You finally got your Real Estate License. Work on your Charisma and Body skills as you need to run around and charm customers.
5 Condos Agent 9-17 8 $1200 M-T-W-Th
You’re showing young couples and college graduates their first tiny little apartments. They want a place of their own but can't afford something pricey. These apartments usually come with loads of problems so work on your Cleaning skill to cover them up before they sign the contract.
6 Starter Home Agent 9-17 8 $1500 M-T-W-Th-F-Sa
You’re selling actual houses to people. Customers consist of newlyweds who don't want to be with their parents. Work on your Creativity Skill to ensure you make those small houses sound like a place they want to spend the rest of their married life in.
7 Vacation Home Agent 9-17 8 $1800 F-Sa-Su
You work for people who have enough money to afford another house at some exotic travel destinations. Make sure your Body Skill is high as you need to travel around the world to show people Vacation Houses.
8 Business Premise Realtor 9-17 8 $2100 M-T-Th-F
Your customers who are business tycoons are looking for places to expand their businesses. Work on your Creativity and Mechanical Skills to help the find the perfect place or turn the not so attractive property into a suitable place for their businesses.
9 Beverly Hills Realtor 9-17 8 $2700 M-T-W-Th
Alright. You've made it into Hollywood. you just bring people to the houses and they'll just buy it because everyone wants to make it into the neighborhood. Work on your Logic skill to identify those who're just going to be browsing since they have no money anyway.
10 Real Estate Agency Owner 9-17 8 $3000 M-T-W-Th-F
You're on top. You are the owner of a very successful real estate empire. There is no land that does not have your footprint on and if anyone dare to step foot into your territory you'll simply destroy them.
This is a career for teens. It's EP compatible and has its own GUID (no overwrite).
No EP required
Click the button to see more information.
If you also have a request please go here:
1 Receptionist 9-17 8 $150 M-T-W-Th-F
You've just joined the world of Real Estate. Sit behind the reception desk and greet walk-in customers, answer phones and do paper work. Work on your Cleaning skill to move up the career.
2 Assistant 9-17 8 $300 M-T-W-Th-F
You get to follow the actual Estate Agents around to show houses to different people. Bring them water, snacks, papers whenever they need them. Work on your Logic skill so you can remember what they do well on.
3 Trainee Realtor 9-17 8 $500 M-T-W-Th-F
Alright, you’re a Realtor (sort of). You have a principal hovering above your head telling you what you should or should not do. Work on your Charisma skill to make your principal like you enough to approve you as an actual Realtor.
4 Newbie Real Estate Agent 9-17 8 $1000 M-T-W-Th-F
Out in the world on your own. You finally got your Real Estate License. Work on your Charisma and Body skills as you need to run around and charm customers.
5 Condos Agent 9-17 8 $1200 M-T-W-Th
You’re showing young couples and college graduates their first tiny little apartments. They want a place of their own but can't afford something pricey. These apartments usually come with loads of problems so work on your Cleaning skill to cover them up before they sign the contract.
6 Starter Home Agent 9-17 8 $1500 M-T-W-Th-F-Sa
You’re selling actual houses to people. Customers consist of newlyweds who don't want to be with their parents. Work on your Creativity Skill to ensure you make those small houses sound like a place they want to spend the rest of their married life in.
7 Vacation Home Agent 9-17 8 $1800 F-Sa-Su
You work for people who have enough money to afford another house at some exotic travel destinations. Make sure your Body Skill is high as you need to travel around the world to show people Vacation Houses.
8 Business Premise Realtor 9-17 8 $2100 M-T-Th-F
Your customers who are business tycoons are looking for places to expand their businesses. Work on your Creativity and Mechanical Skills to help the find the perfect place or turn the not so attractive property into a suitable place for their businesses.
9 Beverly Hills Realtor 9-17 8 $2700 M-T-W-Th
Alright. You've made it into Hollywood. you just bring people to the houses and they'll just buy it because everyone wants to make it into the neighborhood. Work on your Logic skill to identify those who're just going to be browsing since they have no money anyway.
10 Real Estate Agency Owner 9-17 8 $3000 M-T-W-Th-F
You're on top. You are the owner of a very successful real estate empire. There is no land that does not have your footprint on and if anyone dare to step foot into your territory you'll simply destroy them.
Friday, August 02, 2013
New lifespan: As requested by Aqua.writer.rain
As I do take requests, Aqua.writer.rain requested the following lifespan:
If you also have a request please go here:
Baby | 2 |
Toddler | 2 |
Child | 2 |
Teen | 2 |
Adult | 7 |
Elder | 2 |
If you also have a request please go here:
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