All creations can be found here:
in the same structure as the labels on the right.
Even when the downloadlink in the blogpost doesn't work.

When SimFileShare is not available, please, let me know which creation(s) you wish to download!
Any questions, don't hesitate to ask. (Facebook Messenger on my Facebookpage)
Happy simming!

Upload on S2I

The old tutorial about posting to this blog S2I has been deleted. It might have been a bit too complicated to easily post to the blog. So I decided to make it way easier for you to post on this blog yourself.

You don't need to be a creator to post on this blog. You can write your stories, share ideas, discuss The Sims, ... as much as you want in a new blogpost.

Mail the text, creations, images,... you want to publish on the blog to this address: and notify me about it on Facebook:
The post will be published within 48 hours after your PM on Facebook.

Don't forget to sign the post with your own (nick)name to give yourself the credit.
If you upload a creation, you have to write in the post how people can contact you about it!

How to upload your creations on S2I
  1. What information on the creation should you write in the text of the blogpost (the text the visitors of this blog will see)?
    1. A summary of what the creation exactly is (career, food, skin,...). E.g.: How you created the creation, how the creating went,...
    2. What EP's and SP's does the downloader need to use this in game?
  2. A screenshot is absolutely needed (but you can add it as an attachment).
  3. Give proper credit to any content you didn't create yourself. (Google is never correct for giving credit)
  4. End the text with your (nick)name to give yourself credit.
    1. Also mention how people can reach you when they have questions
  5. E-mail the text with your files (in attachment) to:
    2. Notify me about it on my Facebookpage
  6. I will publish your blogpost then as soon as possible (48 hours after receiving your PM)
These are the bare minimum things a downloader wants to know before wanting to download.
So this really has to be in your blogpost before I upload it.

If you're in doubt, check the many blogposts I wrote to upload careers, food,... Your upload needs to be something like that as much as possible.
You can also contact me on my Facebookpage with any questions about this.

P.S.: To become a writer on this blog with your gmailaddress, just send me a PM about it with a reason why you want to become a writer on my blog. Then I will add you as a writer officially in the settings of the blog.

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For questions and help, contact me on my Facebookpage: (Facebook Messenger)

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