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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

New Idea: W817 - S3E24

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the main characters of W817 ((W"eight" = Wait) Dutch: Wait A Second) in that certain episode.
It's a Flemish show that can be best compared with Friends. I call it "The Flemish Friends".

I do this because it's mainly about a group of students in college and so with these episode ideas we have something new to play for our sims in college.
Or you can play this in the game as you wish.
I know W817 maybe even better by heart than Friends (that's saying something).

Also like Friends this series was made at the end of the ninties, begin nillies so this is actually very suitable for The Sims 2 as there were no smartphones or internet like we know now.

There are no seperate seasons and episodes don't have a title. There are 131 episodes and I will number them accordingly.
Meet the characters
Here you can find an overview of all the characters and their personality:
It's study war between Zoe and Steve because Steve has his routine, chair and place at the table and Zoe is on the sofa clicking her pen. They are also disturbed all the time.
She needs structure and order and assigned herself to the army. Her roommates think she cannot handle it, but at 600 hours she wakes them. Of course it's nothing for her and she quits after less than a day. Though she keeps the uniform.
Ellen keeps calling him, but he refuses to talk to her. The wedding is off. He does not go to school so he can relax. Zoe talks him into a last talk with Ellen, but he just wanted to tell her to cancel the caterer.
She gives Steve a hard time while studying.
He has an eidentic memory. So he helps Carlo to study.
She comes over quite often though she said they would not see her a lot because of the exams. In the end both Zoe and Steve to kick her out. She is in the last year of high school.
He didn't realise it are almost exams. Akke threw away his books to save a tree as he remembers everything. He writes down the whole course, dictated by Akke, a´d then finds out thers might have the books as well.
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Monday, November 28, 2022

New Pet Career: Paw Patrol Skye

1 package file
1 translationfile (descriptions) (for if you want to translate the career)
And the overview in a pdf-file (spoiler)

Download @ SFS: Whenever you're in trouble!

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Wooden UI by Calidan (MTS)

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Thursday, November 24, 2022

New Terrain: Oklahoma - USA Project

This terrain is based on the state in the USA.
I can't make the terrain and neighbourhood exactly how it is as TS2 doesn't allow diagonal roads and is limited in space that can be used, but it's definitely clear that it's based on the real thing.

You don't need anything to use this neighbourhood. But don't put it in your downloadfolder. You should put it in the folder EA Games/ The Sims 2/ SC4Terrains

Download @SFS: Let's move to a better home!
Find it under the folder Miscellaneous

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Additional Credits:
Simcity 4

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