Baby: 3 months = 3 days
Toddlers: 69 Days
Children: 84 Days
Teens: 72 Days
Toddlers: 69 Days
Children: 84 Days
Teens: 72 Days
Young adults: 184 Days
Adults: 368 Days
Total of baby to adult: 780 days/12 = 65 years
Adults: 368 Days
Total of baby to adult: 780 days/12 = 65 years
Elders have no days, but a chance to die tied to the short, epic, ect age span length. It is 40%, 30%, 20%, 10%, 5%. With short being the highest and epic the lowest.
My biggest thanks go to Tiake on MTS as he made this mod and gave me permission to put it on a website.
Additional credits:
Peter L Jones (maker of the package editor), Tiake (for making this and permission to repost to my heart's content)
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