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in the same structure as the labels on the right.
Even when the downloadlink in the blogpost doesn't work.

When SimFileShare is not available, please, let me know which creation(s) you wish to download!
Any questions, don't hesitate to ask. (Facebook Messenger on my Facebookpage)
Happy simming!

Monday, March 04, 2019

New Announcement: Springbreak 2019

For this week I am planning to take some time off from creating. Maybe that I might have some time to play the game, but I really want to focus on stuff in real life.
It's a holiday in Belgium this week. Something like springbreak and Carnaval.
Don't worry, I still have my phone with me to check messages, tweet some things and be on Facebook, but I won't publish new creations.

I will be active as always in the Facebookgroup where I am an admin: =The Sims 2=

Happy Springbreak everyone!

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