All creations can be found here:
in the same structure as the labels on the right.
Even when the downloadlink in the blogpost doesn't work.

When SimFileShare is not available, please, let me know which creation(s) you wish to download!
Any questions, don't hesitate to ask. (Facebook Messenger on my Facebookpage)
Happy simming!

Sunday, May 31, 2020

New Idea: Time Travelling BV Hoods


To be able to time travel in The Sims 2 you can create a medieval hood to travel to. Like you have the mountains,... for Bon Voyage. When you create a medieval hood you can also make a futuristic hood and a hood for any other time period you want and make it a hood to travel to with your sims.
It's a workaround of course, but as there is no expansion pack like "Into the future" for The Sims 3, I think this is the best we can do.
Have fun and let me know what you think and how you did it!

Saturday, May 30, 2020

New Idea: Friends - The One Where Everybody Finds Out - S5E14

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the six main characters of Friends in that certain episode. SPOILER
You can then play this in the game as you wish.
The blogpost about the personality, family tree,... of the six main characters in general is found here:

General happenings season 5:
Season five starts with Ross and Emily's wedding in London. The season features Monica and Chandler trying to keep their new relationship a secret from their friends. Phoebe gives birth to triplets in the show's 100th episode. She gives birth to a boy, Frank Jr. Jr., and two girls: Leslie and Chandler. Emily states that the only condition in which she would remain married to Ross is if he stops all communication with Rachel. Ross agrees, but during a last dinner with all six main characters together, Emily phones Ross and, upon discovering Rachel is there, realizes she does not trust him, which ends the marriage. Phoebe begins a relationship with a police officer, Gary (Michael Rapaport), after finding his badge and using it as her own. Monica and Chandler go public with their relationship, to the surprise and happiness of their friends. They decide to get married on a trip to Las Vegas, but, change their plans after witnessing Ross and Rachel drunkenly stumble out of the wedding chapel.

The One Where Everybody Finds Out - S5E14
Ugly Naked Guy puts stuff in boxes (prepares to move), and sublets his apartment. Ross applies, but competition for the place is fierce, so when a bribe doesn't seal the deal, Ross decides to cultivate and exploit a common interest--nakedness. Phoebe, while looking at Ross' potential new apartment with Rachel, looks out the window and sees Chandler and Monica "doing it." Phoebe and Rachel decide to use their knowledge of this romance to play some practical jokes on Monica and Chandler--jokes which include Phoebe making passes at Chandler. Monica realizes they must know, so she and Chandler play along, and each side tries to see who will crack first. Now everybody knows, except Ross. ...Until he gets the apartment, looks out the window, and suddenly has a return of his rage problem.


She's happy that she can now talk to Phoebe about Monica and Chandler. Together with Phoebe they start again in which Phoebe tries to seduce Chandler.


She finds out what Phoebe and Rachel are up to. Joey is in the middle of it. The "game" goes quite far until Chandler breaks and says he is in love with Monica.


Together with Ross and Rachel she goes to take a look at the apartment and she sees Monica and Chandler together. Rachel tries to calm her down so Ross won't find out.


He's in the middle of the "game" between Monica, Chandler and Phoebe and Rachel. He wants to end it as quick as possible.
He didn't want to start it in the first place. Phoebe wanted a bit fun of their own as Monica and Chandler were telling lies about what they were doing all this time (doing laundry, grocery shopping, being on the phone,...)


He's in the "game" only because Monica wants to win. He breaks in the end telling Monica he loves her.


He wants to get ugly naked guy's apartment but there are a lot of other applications. Thay all buy him stuff. Ross buys a small basket of mini muffins. Then he realises he knows the guy the best as they have been watching him for years. So he becomes his naked buddy and gets the apartment.
While moving he sees Monica and Chandler together. He is mad at first but then he is really happy for them.


Sunday, May 24, 2020

New Idea: W817 - E004

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the main characters of W817 ((W"eight" = Wait) Dutch: Wait A Second) in that certain episode.
It's a Flemish show that can be best compared with Friends. I call it "The Flemish Friends".

I do this because it's mainly about a group of students in college and so with these episode ideas we have something new to play for our sims in college.

Or you can play this in the game as you wish.
I know W817 maybe even better by heart than Friends (that's saying something).

Also like Friends this series was made at the end of the ninties, begin nillies so this is actually very suitable for The Sims 2 as there were no smartphones or internet like we know now.

There are no seperate seasons and episodes don't have a title. There are 131 episodes and I will number them accordingly.

Meet the characters
Here you can find an overview of all the characters and their personality:
Nothing really happens to him.
She's helping Akke with teaching him how to drive a car. She thinks it's incredibly funny even the thought of Tom having to go to work.
It appears he's in charge of the mail. He gets a letter that he has to go to work. He ha to sell souvenirs at the Atomium in Brussels. He tries to go to the interview in a way they won't hire him. It's her turn to cook diner, but she forgot it. But she just agreed to meet Lies (a friend). It's happy hour in the Wopper. He doesn't have to work in the souvenirs shop. He has to clean the Atomium balls.
She's feeling sick from going out the night before. She called the pizzadeliveryboy so everyone has dinner and she can go out.
The driving with Bridget as teacher doesn't go very well. They meet with the police when he drives into a one way street in the wrong direction. Bridget is at home again, but Akke has to hitchhike home. He hitchhikes home with a trucker who agrees to teach him. But he teaches him... in a truck.
She asks Tom to write a poem from her to Evert. He does that but it appeared it was a poem he wrote once for Bridget. She's mad at Tom because it was an old poem. But on the other hand it was Jasmin's idea towards Tom to try to get out to have to work. And it didn't work. He has the job.


Saturday, May 23, 2020

New Idea: W817 - E003

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the main characters of W817 ((W"eight" = Wait) Dutch: Wait A Second) in that certain episode.
It's a Flemish show that can be best compared with Friends. I call it "The Flemish Friends".

I do this because it's mainly about a group of students in college and so with these episode ideas we have something new to play for our sims in college.

Or you can play this in the game as you wish.
I know W817 maybe even better by heart than Friends (that's saying something).

Also like Friends this series was made at the end of the ninties, begin nillies so this is actually very suitable for The Sims 2 as there were no smartphones or internet like we know now.

There are no seperate seasons and episodes don't have a title. There are 131 episodes and I will number them accordingly.

Meet the characters
Here you can find an overview of all the characters and their personality:
He's helping Akke with getting his driver's licence. He's lecturing Jasmin about boyfriends and love, but they haven't even kissed. He's just worried and being a friend.
She bought a mobile phone. A Spanish guy callls her all the time. She's studying a bit of Spanish to tell the phone guy he has the wrong number. Steve gives her the idea to have a date with the guy instead.
While Zoe is giving Jasmin advise about her date Tom tells them Bridget was his first real love. Like Joey and Chandler in Friends he loves to watch Baywatch. The conclusion about Tom's behaviour is that he's negative affective. He has a deep hate for women. He sees them as objects. Zoe tries to find out why he has become like that. It had to do with Bridget and him having fights all the time. So he left (for half a day) and when he came back the locks were changed and his belongings were on the street. He camped in front of her house for 1 week. Zoe asks further and Bridget starts to tell: Tom's parents were divorced and he had troubles with his father.
They are all having breakfast. A guy comes downstairs kissing Zoe goodbye. Then another guy comes in the kitchen kissing Zoe goodbye. They all three meet in the bar Scorpio in the evening. She has 2 days to make a paper about behaviourpsychology. She aks Steve because he's gay, but he doesn't want to help her with it. She went to a party with Tom as a date, but she dumped him. A girl with a date is much more attractive than a girl without. Tom is mad at her because of it. She asks him to help her with her paper. She convinces him by buying him two tubs of beer. She's observing Tom while he's watching TV. He doesn't like anything until he finds a program with beautiful women. She fails on her paper. The teacher doesn't believe a guy like Tom exists.
He has to do a driving exam. He's really nervous. He didn't succeed his written exam for his driver's licence because of the eyetest. He comes in really happy though cause he can now wear glasses.
She goes to the movietheater with a guy. Zoe's advice: She needs to choose a movie with DiCaprio so her boyfriend feels a bit more insecure. And tell she needs to tell him he's better looking than the actor. She went to a movie with Brad Pitt with her date, Evert.


Friday, May 22, 2020

New Idea: W817 - E002

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the main characters of W817 ((W"eight" = Wait) Dutch: Wait A Second) in that certain episode.
It's a Flemish show that can be best compared with Friends. I call it "The Flemish Friends".

I do this because it's mainly about a group of students in college and so with these episode ideas we have something new to play for our sims in college.

Or you can play this in the game as you wish.
I know W817 maybe even better by heart than Friends (that's saying something).

Also like Friends this series was made at the end of the ninties, begin nillies so this is actually very suitable for The Sims 2 as there were no smartphones or internet like we know now.

There are no seperate seasons and episodes don't have a title. There are 131 episodes and I will number them accordingly.

Meet the characters
Here you can find an overview of all the characters and their personality:
He's a real healthy guy. He studies biology to become a physical education teacher. He's doing a lot of sports and eats really healthy. He needs to be in a great condition to become a member of the basketball team. He goes to a training and meets some teens who play basketball in the park. It doesn't go well. He hurts his neck.
They all watch the Bold and the Beautiful together. Then at the most excited moment the electricity goes off. Tom didn't pay the bill. So they go to the movies. Where Tom again ruins the film by telling the end.
He's in charge to pay the electricity bill, but Steve doesn't really trust him with it. He wants to watch a shopping program on the tele. He tells the girls the end of the film to ruin it for them so he can watch his program. In their struggle for the remote the television breaks. He's starts phase two of his book. The actual writing. He writes on a typewriter because he wants to feel it's soul. To get some inspiration he interviews the pizzaboy but he uses such difiicult words the guy takes his money and leaves.
She Birgit and Jasmijn are watching a film. She helps Jasmijn to dress for the guy she wants to talk to.
He has a new videogame of Lara Croft that's not even for sale yet. He sometimes walks by (kitchen, front door) saying which level he has reached already. When the electricity goes off he yells: "Laraaaaa"
She met a guy. She's crazy about him, but she even talked to him. She gets a lot of advice from Zoe and Birgit. They say total different tjings. She's really confused and aggitated.


Thursday, May 21, 2020

New Idea: W817 - E001

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the main characters of W817 ((W"eight" = Wait) Dutch: Wait A Second) in that certain episode.
It's a Flemish show that can be best compared with Friends. I call it "The Flemish Friends".

I do this because it's mainly about a group of students in college and so with these episode ideas we have something new to play for our sims in college.

Or you can play this in the game as you wish.
I know W817 maybe even better by heart than Friends (that's saying something).

Also like Friends this series was made at the end of the ninties, begin nillies so this is actually very suitable for The Sims 2 as there were no smartphones or internet like we know now.

There are no seperate seasons and episodes don't have a title. There are 131 episodes and I will number them accordingly.

Meet the characters
Here you can find an overview of all the characters and their personality:
He tries to be clean, neat and perfect. He needs to clean after Zoe. She's a slob. He and Birgit had to decide who was allowed to rent the house together with them. She left the last free spot to Steve cause she would never have chosen her ex Tom.
She wants to be a marketeer and tries to understand the economics in the paper. She likes the idea of a party because she wants to flirt with her boss to get a promotion. Because of Tom his interference it doesn't work to flirt with Ted. He did that because he feels Birgit is worth more than getting promotion by sleeping with her boss. She can't believe she's loosing her charms. The music went down when she shouted to Tom that it doesn't work because Ted is gay (but that's not true of course).
He is a writer and tries to be creative. His friends laugh a bit with that sometimes. He can't believe he ever fell for Birgit. He's quite lazy and doesn't help setting up the party. When the first guest arrives Steve, Birgit and Zoe still need to dress so Tom answers the door. It's Birgit's boss, Ted. Tom tells him Birgit is gay because he knows she wants to flirt with him for a promotion.
She's a real partyanimal. And she has a lot of boyfriends. She doesn't need much sleep and her schedule is not normal day-night. She feels sleep is for old people. For people like here they invented powerdrinks. She thinks the world is against her and talks to Steve. She went to a party in the Square, but she doesn't like to go there. She met a guy who showed her his car and after the drive he left. So she had to walk home. Steve says she need to stay home for a day to rest. Zoe doesn't like the idea at first, but then she decide to have a house warming party. She invited two (girl)friends who like Steve right away. Unfortunately he's gay. She studies psychology and tries to make Steve, Tom and Birgit friends again.
He's physically present, but that's all. He's obsessed with technics, science fiction and videogames. He likes Zoe's new drink: Zoe's fun-de-luxe. He drinks a bit too much, but he takes antibiotics and he feels real woozy combining it with alcohol.
She's the daughter of the landlord. She's at the party in the kitchen eating chips. She's still in high school for 2 years. She doesn't like Birgit very much. The feeling is mutual.


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