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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

New idea: Friends - The One With Fake Monica - S1E21

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the six main characters of Friends in that certain episode. SPOILER
You can then play this in the game as you wish.
The blogpost about the personality, family tree,... of the six main characters in general is found here:

General happenings season 1:
The first season introduces the six main characters: Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler, and Ross. Rachel arrives at Central Perk after running away from her wedding to her fiancé Barry and moves into her friend from high school's (Monica’s) apartment with her. Ross, who has had a crush on Rachel since the two of them were in high school, constantly attempts to tell her how he feels about her. However, many obstacles stand in his way, such as the fact that he is expecting a baby with his lesbian ex-wife, Carol. Joey is shown to be a bachelor and struggling actor, while Phoebe works as a masseuse and portrays a sort of "crazy" attribute to her personality based on her troubles as a child after her mother committed suicide. However the rest of the group loves her regardless. Chandler breaks up with girlfriend Janice, who frequently returns in later seasons. At the end of the season, Chandler accidentally reveals that Ross loves Rachel, who realizes that she feels the same way. The season ends with Rachel waiting at the airport for Ross’ arrival from a trip.

The One With Fake Monica - S1E21
Monica's credit card is stolen; after seeing the credit card statement, Monica decides the thief lives her life better than she does. She meets 'Fake Monica' at a dance class which was charged to her card, and suprisingly they become friends. As Mononna, she and Fake Monica have a great time... until Fake Monica is arrested. Ross' monkey, Marcel, reaches sexual maturing and starts humping everything in site; Ross has to find a zoo in which to put his pet. Joey tries to choose a stage name.

Joey: He looks for a new name. Joe Stalin.

Chandler: Nothing special happens.

Ross: Marcel humps everything so he has to give him up. They get him into the Zoo of San Diego.

Rachel: Nothing special happens.

Monica: She has lunch with her mother, but doesn't want to talk about clothing, hair, career, dating, money,.. But then her card was declined.
Someone stole her creditcard. The thief live her life and she meets the woman. Monica then calls herself Monana. The thief pays for: plays, courses in new school, art supplies, clothing, horse driving, tapclass where she meets Monana.
Together they go to tapclass, audition for broadway cats, Monana gets drunk.
After Monica gets arrested, the real Monica becomes herself again.

Phoebe: Nothing special happens.


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