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Sunday, July 05, 2020

New Idea: Friends - The One With Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss - S5E17

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the six main characters of Friends in that certain episode. SPOILER
You can then play this in the game as you wish.
The blogpost about the personality, family tree,... of the six main characters in general is found here:

General happenings season 5:
Season five starts with Ross and Emily's wedding in London. The season features Monica and Chandler trying to keep their new relationship a secret from their friends. Phoebe gives birth to triplets in the show's 100th episode. She gives birth to a boy, Frank Jr. Jr., and two girls: Leslie and Chandler. Emily states that the only condition in which she would remain married to Ross is if he stops all communication with Rachel. Ross agrees, but during a last dinner with all six main characters together, Emily phones Ross and, upon discovering Rachel is there, realizes she does not trust him, which ends the marriage. Phoebe begins a relationship with a police officer, Gary (Michael Rapaport), after finding his badge and using it as her own. Monica and Chandler go public with their relationship, to the surprise and happiness of their friends. They decide to get married on a trip to Las Vegas, but, change their plans after witnessing Ross and Rachel drunkenly stumble out of the wedding chapel.

The One With Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss - S5E17
Rachel has an interview at Ralph Lauren, where she mistakenly kisses the interviewer (Mr. Zelner). She gets called back for a second interview, where she again mistakes Mr. Zelner's actions and chews him out. Later, realizing her mistake, she meets with him again, straightens things out, and gets the job. Ross spends all his free time 'acting' in front of his window, thinking it entertains his friends. Joey tries to find a woman who keeps waving at him from Ross' building, but somehow keeps ending up at Ross' place instead. Monica obsesses about proving that she and Chandler are still a hot couple, like Phoebe and Gary. Chandler enjoys it for a while, but eventually helps Monica see that their relationship has progressed to a better level.


She has a jobinterview at Ralph Lauren. She'll be the coordinator of the women's collection and will work right under the director. The jobinterview went well, but as her future boss reaches for the door she thought he wanted to kiss him and she kisses him. She's ashamed but called back for a second interview in the end she got the job even though the last interview was videotaped.


She and Phoebe are in kind of a contest about who has the hottest relationship. Phoebe is at the beginning of her relationship with Gary.


She's in the contest with Monica because well she's Monica.


Ross does some sketches window to window. Joey is watching and sees a hot woman in Ross's building. But he keeps counting wrong. Ross meets the hot girl and he's at her apartment when Joey finally got the apartment right, but Ross opens the door...


He's caught in the contest between Monica and Phoebe. Though he likes it.


He's doing sketches in his apartment. Surfing, getting caught by a shark, watching tv,....


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