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Tuesday, March 04, 2025

New Idea: W817 - S5E23

In general the idea is to give you one episode per blogpost. In every blogpost I'll shortly describe what happens with the main characters of W817 ((W"eight" = Wait) Dutch: Wait A Second) in that certain episode.
It's a Flemish show that can be best compared with Friends. I call it "The Flemish Friends".

I do this because it's mainly about a group of students in college and so with these episode ideas we have something new to play for our sims in college.
Or you can play this in the game as you wish.
I know W817 maybe even better by heart than Friends (that's saying something).

Also like Friends this series was made at the end of the ninties, begin nillies so this is actually very suitable for The Sims 2 as there were no smartphones or internet like we know now.

There are no seperate seasons and episodes don't have a title. There are 131 episodes and I will number them accordingly.
Meet the characters
Here you can find an overview of all the characters and their personality:
He finds a grey hair. He wears a rediculous hat at first to hide it and then he spends a small fortune on products to make it go away. Bridget just pulls it out and then it is gone.
She thinks Steve acts rediculous about 1 grey hair.
Roel is not happy with the article Tom wrote. It needs to be about the fans not the match. Tom goes with Roel this time to notice the difference between match and fans.
She and Kim are in the tree to protect it. But no luck the tree needs to go.
He also goes to the match, but separatly and he comes back looking like he was in a big fight.
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