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Tuesday, September 04, 2018

New Family Tree: Pedigree 7

This is a new Family Tree I made up myself. It's one of a series of 8. I'll call the collection Pedigree which means Family Tree.
I hope you enjoy this one.
They can all be found here: Label: Family Tree

This one contains 4 generations:

  1. Female & Male
    1. Male
    2. Female & Male
      1. Female
      2. Male & Female
        1. Female
        2. Male
        3. Female
      3. Male
        1. Female
        2. Female
    3. Male & Female
      1. Female & Male
        1. Male
        2. Male
        3. Male
      2. Male & Female
        1. Female
        2. Female
      3. Male & Female
        1. Male
        2. Male
    4. Male
    5. Female

I hope it's clear to everyone how to make this family tree.
If you have any questions, please, use the commentsection. Thank you.

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If you have a request please go here:

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